Issue - meetings
Local Food Growing discussion
Meeting: 14/09/2023 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 21)
Local Food Growing discussion
The Scrutiny Officer will introduce discussion on this item.
Estimated time of item – 20 minutes
Additional documents:
The Chair invited Ceri Williams, Scrutiny Officer to introduce the item. The officer explained that the Panel can add value to the policy development on this issue and suggested a task and finish group be set up with a view to reporting back to the Panel at a future meeting.
Panel members agreed that a task and finish group would be the best way forward and asked that membership be opened up to other Scrutiny Panel members.
Councillors David, Player, Auton, Leach and Johnson registered their interest.
Councillor Box asked that the following be considered: an emphasis on preventative medicine and a framework around sustainability, bio diversity, carbon impact, economic viability and education. Please consider deprived populations.