Issue - meetings

Engagement Strategy on Climate and Ecological Emergency Plans

Meeting: 14/09/2023 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 19)

Engagement Strategy on Climate and Ecological Emergency Plans

There will be a presentation on this item at the meeting. Slides will be circulated ahead of the meeting.


Estimated time of item – 45 minutes


Additional documents:


The Chair invited the Cabinet Project Lead, Councillor Oli Henman, to introduce the item. The presentation covered the following:


·  Engagement is key to our work in tackling the climate and ecological emergencies.

·  We undertake a wide range of engagement activity – some highlights from 2022/23

·  Our engagement priorities for 2023/34 are focused around three key themes

·  We are developing our ongoing programme of events. Upcoming events for autumn 2023

·  Next steps


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Heijltjes stated that transport is the missing theme, she stated that one of the most powerful effects on the environment can be people’s choice of transport. She asked if the Council can showcase travel choices – such as Councillors using e-bikes. She also suggested that Councillors based in the city of Bath be no longer eligible for free parking when attending Council business through MiPermit or free parking any time by using an outdated paper parking permit, unless they are a Blue Badge holder. She stated that she believes that this is an outdated policy and not in line with our Climate and Ecological Emergencies. The Cabinet Project Lead stated that he has tested an e-bike today, he agreed that more needs to be added to the engagement action plan regrading transport. He agreed about the Council showcasing travel choices but stated that members parking is beyond his scope. He stated that he would take away the point on parking and feed it back to relevant colleagues.


Councillor Box stated that a recent cross party group in Westminster concluded that there is not enough resource for Councils. She asked if we could lobby Westminster who are dragging their feet over their own policy. She stated that next year is an election year and she hoped for a more engaged future.


Councillor Johnson stated that most events are targeted at people with an active interest in climate and nature issues, he stated that the engagement strategy also needs to target people who may not be enthusiastic and do not currently engage. He stated that social media can be politicised and asked how this can be counteracted and turned into positives towards the Council. The Cabinet Project Lead agreed and stated an example of ‘solar together’ which is aimed at making solar more affordable – this is framed as a practical way to reduce bills rather than preaching a message. He agreed on the need for more community level conversations at rural and parish level. He also stated that more decentralised and less formal meeting venues can be used for these conversations. He agreed that social media can be toxic and stated that the key for the Council team is to provide shareable and evidence based information. There is no silver bullet but transparency reduces the risk of misinformation.


Council Auton stated that there was a lot of focus on Bath. He stated that he is happy to work with the team with regard to Midsomer Norton where  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19
