Issue - meetings
Adoption West Panel Membership
Meeting: 10/07/2023 - Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 12)
12 Adoption West Panel Membership PDF 665 KB
Adoption West (AW) started operating on 1 March 2019, as a Regional Adoption Agency (RAA) created by Bath and North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, Gloucestershire County Council, North Somerset Council, South Gloucestershire Council and Wiltshire Council as a response to the government’s plans, published in June 2015, to regionalise adoption services across England and Wales.
Adoption West is a local authority trading company which is owned by the six local authorities and commissioned by them to provide adoption services. Adoption West is registered with Ofsted as a Voluntary Adoption Agency. The primary aim of this regionalisation was to deliver an adoption service which offer improved outcomes for both children and those who want to adopt.
The scrutiny panel (Adoption West Joint Scrutiny Panel) has been created to act as a critical friend, providing independent scrutiny of the work of AW and making constructive recommendations to ensure that AW meets its performance targets and expectations.
The scrutiny panel is an essential element of assuring democratic accountability for the use of public funds; although it does not fall under the banner of ‘Overview and Scrutiny’ as defined by the Local Government Act 2000 in that it is not a body jointly formed by the six participating councils. The scrutiny panel reports directly to the AW Board. The AW board monitors the efficiency of the scrutiny panel, including through the annual report, an example of which is attached for reference.
For information, Cllr Michelle O’Doherty represented B&NES on the Joint Panel during the life of the previous Council.
Decision required
The CAHW PDS Panel is requested to appoint a member to sit on the Adoption West Joint Panel to represent the organisation for the lifetime of this Council.
Additional documents:
The Policy Development & Scrutiny Officer introduced this item to the Panel. He explained that the Children, Adults, Health & Wellbeing PDS Panel is requested to appoint a member to sit on the Adoption West Joint Panel to represent the organisation for the lifetime of this Council. He added that in the previous Council period this position had been taken up by Councillor Michelle O’Doherty.
The Chair proposed that the Panel reappoint Councillor O’Doherty.
Councillor O’Doherty replied that she would be happy to accept the role again on behalf of the Panel.
There were no further nominations and the Panel RESOLVED to agree that Councillor O’Doherty shall be their representative on the Adoption West Joint Panel.