Issue - meetings

Social Prescribing

Meeting: 02/05/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 70)

Social Prescribing

10 minutes


Kate Morton (Chief Executive Officer, Bath MIND) to give a verbal update on the Social Prescribing Project.




Kate Morton gave a verbal update on the Social Prescribing Project as follows:

1.  Sept-Oct 2023 – Task and Finish Group established to agree the framework.

2.  Dec 2023 – The Active Way (B&NES Council) funded a one year Project Manager post to support system development and legacy in relation to social prescribing.

3.  20 March 2024 – David Jenkins was appointed to the position. Steering Group to be established as accountable mechanism to oversee and monitor progress.

4.  April 2025 – final report and recommendations to be produced.

5.  Social prescribing would be launched at the Community Wellbeing Hub.

She suggested that a report on the draft framework come back to the February meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board and also that it would be useful to have an update on the Community Wellbeing Hub.


In response to questions, it was confirmed that social prescribing did include children and young people.


The Board RESOLVED to note the update.

