Issue - meetings

Climate Strategy Overview

Meeting: 06/07/2023 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 8)

Climate Strategy Overview

Supporting information on this item will follow.


Additional documents:


The Chair invited Councillor Oli Henman - Cabinet Project Lead for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel and Louise Morris – Head of Green Transformation to introduce the presentation (presentation slides are attached to these minutes) which covered:


·  Climate Strategy Update

·  Climate Emergency Action Plan and Ecological Emergency Action Plan

·  Four priorities for climate, with clear targets and supporting actions

·  Three policy priorities for Nature, together with the Ecological Emergency Action Plan

·  Climate Progress Report 2023

·  Key Challenges


Panel members raised the following issues and asked the following questions:


Councillor Heijltjes referred to the aim of reducing car miles driven by 25% by 2023 and asked if this target will this be increased to 40% to be aligned with WECAs latest target to reduce car miles driven. The Cabinet Project Lead explained that the issue to concentrate on is how we deliver 25% and then look at how we can be more ambitious.


The Chair suggested that the Panel could receive a report to a future meeting on Journey to Net Zero – this would give more information on transport targets.


Councillor David asked about the levels of operational staff in terms of neighbourhood cleansing teams and parks teams that are available to help support community initiatives such as wildflower planting. The officer stated that colleagues across the Council do a good job in bringing in external funding for projects. She explained that there had been a cultural shift in the Council towards climate and nature. She stressed the importance of work and communication with communities.


Councillor Wait asked how the team has grown over the last 4 years. The officer explained that the Green Transformation Team has been in place for the last year. There are 5 full time equivalents working in climate. Some funding is external for specific projects. Councillor David stated that it would be useful to have an understanding of staffing levels in nature and climate to make sure there is no further attrition. Councillor Wait explained that the Panel would receive details on the budget at their November meeting. The Cabinet Project Lead stated that it is a dynamic and effective team and they are recruiting currently.


Councillor Heijltjes stated that many climate and nature issues effect our streets, she asked if there is a plan to adopt a kerbside strategy. The Cabinet Project Lead stated that this had been raised and makes sense for us to incorporate as part of forward planning.


Councillor David asked about support for local food growing. The officer stated that she had no definitive answer at present but that the team are looking into it.


The Cabinet Project Lead stated that a future item for the Panel could be community engagement on climate and nature. The Chair stated that there were forums across Northeast Somerset and Parish and Town Councils. Councillor Heijltjes added that there is Bath Area Forum and also it would be useful to include schools. The officer stated that there was a successful conference with young people  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8
