Issue - meetings
Education Performance 2021/22
Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 88)
88 Education Performance 2021/22 PDF 202 KB
This report provides the Panel with an overview of early-years & school education performance in the academic year 2021-22, including information on school attendance and exclusions. This is an updated paper with validated data that follows the report presented to the Panel in November 2022.
Additional documents:
The Director of Education & Safeguarding introduced this report to the Panel and gave them a presentation. A link to the presentation is contained within the report and a summary is set out below.
He said that there was a lot to be positive about the results that had been achieved, but he also acknowledged that there was further work to be done in relation to specific groups of young people.
Pupil Numbers
· There were 32,230 pupils in 91 schools in B&NES as of January 2022, a slight increase (1.2%) from 31,857 in 2021.
· Of these, 86% were attending state-funded schools (Primary, Secondary and Special schools).
· As of January 2022, 14% were attending independent schools, over twice the national figure (6.5%).
Pupil Characteristics & Educational Inequalities
The profile within B&NES by pupil characteristic is broadly similar to the national picture (see table). However, the FSM cohort in B&NES is smaller in each Key Stage (e.g. 19% in B&NES compared to 25% nationally for KS2). B&NES also has a slightly higher proportion of girls at EYFS (51%) compared to nationally (49%) as well as slightly higher SEN EHCP cohorts at KS2 and KS4 compared to national (5% vs 4%).
In 2021/22 the national disadvantage gap index increased to their highest levels since 2012 for both KS2 and KS4 suggesting that disruption to learning during the Covid-19 pandemic had a greater impact on disadvantaged pupils.
Early Years Foundation Stage
In 2021/22, 71% of children had a good level of development in B&NES. This is higher than both the South West (66%) and England (65%) values. 70% of children in B&NES were at the expected level for all 17 ELGs, again higher than both the South West (65%) and England (63%) values.
In 2021/22, on average, children were at the expected level in 14.9 out of the 17 ELGs in B&NES. This is higher than the South West (14.4) and England (14.1).
There was a 28% attainment gap between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and those not known to be eligible for FSM in B&NES, with 47% of the FSM cohort achieving a GLD compared to 75% of those not known to be eligible. This is wider than the same gap observed nationally (20%), which appears to be driven by the higher proportion of pupils achieving a GLD in the non-FSM cohort in B&NES compared to nationally (75% vs 69%), whereas the proportion of pupils in the FSM cohort achieving a GLD is slightly lower in B&NES than nationally (47% compared to 49%).
Phonics Screening
In 2021/22, 78% of pupils in B&NES met the expected standard of Phonics screening. This is higher than both the South West (75%) and England (76%). Results are lower in 21/22 in B&NES and nationally compared to pre-pandemic levels (82% in 2017/18 and 2018/19).
Attainment at KS1 has decreased in all subjects compared to 2018/19 both in B&NES and nationally. In 2021/22: ... view the full minutes text for item 88