Issue - meetings
WECA Scrutiny
Meeting: 14/11/2022 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 55)
55 WECA Scrutiny - Public Transport PDF 235 KB
A briefing document is attached which gives an update on bus usage; challenges facing bus operators; Government and Local Authority funding for bus services and BANES role in public transport.
Representatives from WECA have been invited to attend.
Additional documents:
The Chair introduced the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Mayor Dan Norris.
Mayor Norris thanked the Panel. He explained that there are some fundamental challenges regarding bus services - a major issue being the shortage of drivers which was made worse when the Government invited bus drivers to become HGV drivers during the pandemic. There is a need to identify, recruit, train and retain 200-300 drivers. The mayor stated that we need to think differently to find a solution such as changing shift patterns so that more women (who can often have more child and elder care responsibilities) could become drivers. He invited BANES to join in the recruitment drive and help to come up with initiatives and ideas. He stated that the other pressing issue is inflation which effects transport etc. cost of fuel. He explained that the most pressing issue at the moment is the lack of drivers. He stated that the number 12 service would continue until April 2023 and that he was constantly trying to patch up the system and do the best he can. He stated that people describe the problems well but what is needed is solutions. He went on to speak about bus stops – he stated the funds had been identified to improve bus stops and appealed for Councillors to urge their officers to remove any impediments to these improvements so that the money can be used. He stated that there is an option for him to take control of the bus stops so that they can all be brought up to a standard. He added that Bristol City Council had done this.
Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:
Councillor Crossley stated that he was glad the number 12 service had been extended to April 2023. He asked about flexibility in the bus service, for example a bus goes to the station and then changes number/service and goes back out – he asked if the mayor was looking at merging fragile routes. Mayor Norris stated that flexibility is exactly what is needed.
Councillor Crossley asked why we can’t work in partnership regarding bus stops rather than handing responsibility to WECA. The mayor stated that if WECA controlled the bus stops, there could be economies of scale.
Councillor O Brien asked if Town Councils can approach the mayor’s office direct regarding bus stops. The mayor agreed and stated that they would need to know if there are any issue such as planning/wiring/lighting.
Councillor O Brien stated that some local Parish Council’s run a Dial and Ride service, they do not get funding from BANES – can they approach the mayor’s office direct regarding funding for vehicles. The mayor explained that a ‘Community Innovation Fund Prospectus’ will be coming in – the WECA office would need to see the plan/case for funding requests.
In response to a query on Parish and Town Council precepts from Councillor Walker, the mayor responded that if there is money, it must be ... view the full minutes text for item 55