Issue - meetings
Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy
Meeting: 29/11/2022 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 37)
37 Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy PDF 197 KB
Fedalia Richardson (Health and Wellbeing Strategy Manager) to give an update presentation on the Health and Wellbeing Board strategy
(30 minutes)
Additional documents:
Fedalia Richardson gave a presentation on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Update. She advised that draft priorities had been informed by the first phase of consultation, feedback from engagement sessions and the Strategic Evidence Base.
Draft Priorities:
1) Improving access to health services
2) Mental health and emotional wellbeing of children, young people and adults
3) Low-income families (housing, food security, fuel poverty, access to education, training and skills)
4) Chronic disease prevention with a focus on the four main behavioural risk factors (tobacco smoking, physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, and the harmful use of alcohol)
5) The health and wellbeing needs of rural communities (inequality and different accessibility needs, isolation and loneliness)
6) Improved quality of life for people with dementia (this priority may change as the needs of older people coming through the engagement process and SEB are further explored)
7) Access to nature and leisure facilities
Next Steps:
1) The Health and Wellbeing Strategy Steering Group will provide feedback on the identified priorities.
2) The Health and Wellbeing Strategy Team will meet with key partnership groups to sense-check the draft priorities.
3) The Health and Wellbeing Strategy Team will meet with colleagues within the public health team and council to:
i. discuss whether these are the right priorities
ii. discuss interventions already in place to tackle identified priorities
Board Members raised the following comments:
1. Kate Morton stated that the priorities should not be seen in isolation, e.g., there was a crossover between mental health and a number of other priorities.
2. Mary Kearney-Knowles suggested that there was a need to look at what individual organisations and the ICB did differently and how resources could be moved around e.g., to support children and young people. She suggested identifying 3 areas and looking at current impact and then reviewing this at a future date.
3. Richard Smale referred to the ICB transformation work which was looking at how to deliver services differently.
4. Cllr Dine Romero suggested that social prescribing should be a future agenda item for the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Board RESOLVED to;
1. Note the findings from the public consultation and feedback from stakeholder engagement sessions with third sector organisations.
2. Note the proposed priorities for the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2030.