Issue - meetings

Economic Development Update

Meeting: 28/11/2022 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 31)

31 Economic Development Update pdf icon PDF 4 MB


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Simon Martin, Director of Regeneration and Housing, Claire Lynch, Business Growth, and Richard Holden, Operations Manager Bath Enterprise Zone, gave a presentation to the Panel which covered the following:


·  Regeneration and Housing

·  Sustainable Communities Structure diagram

·  Business Skills Team

·  Meet the Employment and Skills Team

·  Business and Skills Team Functions

·  Business and Skills Support Projects

·  Key Current Achievements

·  Employment and Skills

·  Meet the Regeneration Team

·  Regeneration

·  Our Future Ambition

·  Enterprise Zone Team

·  Meet the Enterprise Zone Team

·  Enterprise Zone

·  Bath Quays 2019

·  Bath Quays 2022

·  Somer Valley Enterprise Zone

·  Service Plan key project activities


Panel members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Hughes stated that he is feeling reassured about the plans for the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone in Midsomer Norton. He explained that he had met with the officer regarding issues in Midsomer Norton High Street. He explained that there was some local concern that the Town Hall regeneration was absorbing funds from other projects and that investment was needed in the rest of the High Street. He thanked the team for their work. The officer acknowledged that there was more work to do in the High Street and that the team would continue work on the business case for intervention.


Councillor Duguid asked about Bath Quays development and if office space is still relevant post Covid. The officer explained that the pandemic had actually reinforced the move towards higher quality and flexible office space.


Councillor Duguid asked how much of Bath Quays will be occupied by migration from offices in the city centre. The officer explained that the majority of enquiries are predominantly from Bath based businesses looking for more modern space. He stated that he expected one third of the Quays as a whole would meet local need.


Councillor Duguid stated that he was pleased that ‘Invest in Bath’ was now ‘Invest in BANES’. He stated that he was pleased that BANES and i-Start was seen as a beacon local authority initiative. He asked for an update. The officer explained that there is now a strong relationship between the universities and the college and the development of a modular curriculum that builds skill and bespoke training. This is unique and seen as a regional offer.


Councillor Hounsell thanked the employment and skills team and asked about Keynsham High Street since the refurbishment. He asked about the transport consultancy outcome, movement strategy and high street/local business directory. The officer explained that the evaluation report would be made public in due course. It seems that footfall is up at weekends but lower mid-week – patterns had changed. He stated that the mid-week changes could be the result of more civic centre staff hybrid working now and that it was difficult to compare with pre Covid footfall. He stated that he would find out about the business directory.


Councillor Hounsell asked if there was data on business and employment available to ward Councillors. The officer will check this.


Councillor Singleton asked about the Government Investment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31
