Issue - meetings

Planning Performance

Meeting: 14/11/2022 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 56)

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Simon De Beer, Head of Planning, introduced the item.


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Walker asked how the costs were made up with regard to planning appeals. The officer explained that he could provide more detail for the panel but explained that costs would generally be made up of legal advice and external expert advice.


Councillor Hirst asked if the SPD in January 2021 had been effective with regard to having a balance between homes for families and HMO’s. The officer explained that the SPD introduced new criteria with regard to family properties being sandwiched by HMO’s. He stated that there had been some success in this area. He stated that there were also other requirements in the policy regarding energy performance and room size and that this was having an effect too.


In response to a query from Councillor Hirst regarding the way the data is presented, the officer stated he would take this back.


Councillor Johnson asked if there is a register regarding 106 agreements in terms of completion and fulfilment. He asked about information regarding an access point to housing in Paulton. The officer stated that an officer monitors 106 agreements, she explained that developers are bound by the agreements, and they can be followed up.  She further explained that there are different types of 106 agreement. She agreed to check to see if this information would be available for Councillors. She stated that if there is a case of concern that is brought to officers’ attention it can be followed up.


Councillor Walker asked if 106 agreements are amended/reduced with a new planning application on the same site for reduced properties. The officer confirmed that the 106 agreement is renegotiated.


Councillor Bromley stated that she acknowledged the staffing issues and high case load for the team and congratulated them on their work.


Councillor O Brien asked about an application in Keynsham which had not been approved but after an appeal had been given a year to complete the enforcement. The officer explained that the system builds in steps in order to complete the process – it would not be expedient to take enforcement action while an appeal is in process.


Councillor Crossley referenced the successful move, in 2007, from 4 planning committees to one. He asked about the planning appeal statistics for 2021. The officer explained that generally appeal statistics are good but they are expressed as a percentage so if there is a low number, this can make the results seem negative.


Councillor Malloy asked if it was in local or Government control to set fees for listed building applications and that for trees. The officer explained that fees for statutory services are set nationally. The Council has control over discretionary fees such as pre application advice.


The Chair thanked the officers.



