Issue - meetings

Consideration of Matters Referred by Overview and Scrutiny Bodies

Meeting: 18/08/2010 - Cabinet (Item 109)

109 Consideration of Matters Referred by Overview and Scrutiny Bodies pdf icon PDF 48 KB

This is a standing agenda item (Constitution rule 21, part 4D – Executive Procedure Rules) for matters referred by Overview and Scrutiny bodies.  The Chair(person) of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny body will have the right to attend and at the discretion of the Leader to speak to the item, but not vote.


Councillor Sally Davis, Chair of the Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Panel, will refer to the Cabinet a recommendation from the Panel relating to the Call-in of the Cabinet Decision on the Review of Secondary Schools in Bath.


Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed Councillor Sally Davis, Chair of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel and invited her to address Cabinet.  Councillor Davis explained that the Panel had looked at the relevant documentation laid before them and had decided to refer the Called-in decision to Cabinet for their reconsideration.  The Panel was particularly keen to ensure that the local community had every opportunity to be involved in the decision.  She asked the Cabinet when considering the issue to take into account all the points raised.


The Chair then invited the registered speakers to make their statements.


Councillor Ian Gilchrist made a statement in which he pointed out that in his view the original decision made by the Cabinet did not fit in with the Council's Corporate Priorities, nor with the Sustainable Community Strategy; and he asked the Cabinet to overturn their original decision to consult on closure of Culverhay School.


Councillor Paul Crossley made a statement in which he asked the Cabinet to overturn their original decision to consult on closure of Culverhay School.  He pointed out that the situation had changed with the loss of the Building Schools for the Future funding.  He referred to the expected increase in population expected by 2025, which would require extra school places.  He felt that since the original consultation had not indicated the closure of Culverhay as one of the options, it would be profoundly wrong to pursue this option now; and reminded the Cabinet of the deprivation in the community which he felt would be made worse by closure of Culverhay School.


Councillor David Speirs made a statement on behalf of the Labour Group in which he recognised the difficult decisions faced by Cabinet following the loss of the Building Schools for the Future funding; but he appealed to Cabinet to reverse its original decision and instead to decide to monitor the intake at Culverhay over a period of years.  He emphasised that any future consultation must be genuine and must include as options all those things being considered.


Councillor Nathan Hartley made a statement in which he observed that the situations regarding Academy status for Oldfield School and Federation status for St Mark's and St Gregory's were still very uncertain.  He appealed to Cabinet not to make any radical changes until all uncertainties had been removed.  He felt that the Cabinet should move towards making both Culverhay and Oldfield Schools coeducational.


Councillor Gabriel Batt expressed his view that the proposed move to Federation by St Mark's and St Gregory's was a bold move.  He said that the decision about the closure of a school could not be postponed and appealed to Cabinet to confirm its original decision.


Councillor Malcolm Lees pointed out the large number of submissions from parents in the Weston and Newbridge areas who wanted Oldfield School to become coeducational.  He felt that parents and children should not suffer because of the actions of the school's senior management not to engage in the original consultation.  He  ...  view the full minutes text for item 109
