Issue - meetings
Annual Homelessness Update
Meeting: 24/10/2022 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 45)
45 Annual Homelessness Update PDF 576 KB
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Head of Housing - Graham Sabourn and Housing Strategy & Commissioning Manager – Ann Robbins introduced the report.
Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:
Councillor Hirst asked about supported housing which plays a valuable role for vulnerable people. He asked if there would be an opportunity to grow more of these arrangements. The officer stated that it is an expandable service and, for example, two schemes had developed through opportunities where buildings became surplus. He added that Government funding could expand the scheme.
Councillor Hirst asked about the challenges in supplying large family (3/4 bedrooms) units and if there is anything that can be done to unblock this. The officer explained that the challenge is about encouraging occupiers to move into smaller properties or flats where appropriate. He stated that providing large units is challenging and expensive.
Councillor Bromley asked if supply of private rental units is going down? The officer answered that yes this is the case, especially in the city centre.
Councillor O Brien asked if same sex siblings could share rooms – the officer stated that yes they would share room until age 12/13 years.
Councillor O Brien asked if there was any evidence that people were coming here for temporary accommodation from other areas. The officer explained that no, certain local criteria has to be met. He added that we compare favourably to the national average and neighbouring authorities regarding temporary accommodation.
Regarding the ‘Rough Sleepers’ part of the report, Councillor O Brien congratulated the team. She stated that strides had been made in holistic access and a major catalyst was the Government saying ‘Everybody In’ during the Covid pandemic.
Councillor Crossley praised the excellent work of the team. He asked about the programme working in prisons. The officer replied that she could send some data to Panel members. She stated that it was early days regarding the crime justice post. There was agreement that local members should be shown around the extension to the Dartmouth Avenue provision.
Councillor Walker asked about younger people with drug and alcohol issues. The officer stated that she rarely sees anyone under 25.
Councillor Dr Kumar asked why the problem in St Mary’s Church yard is not resolved. The officer explained that there is an impact on the environment and the team do work with cleansing teams and Bath BID. Issues can be reported via street link and the outreach team will be told. Some rough sleepers resist, and can be used to life on the street. Councillor Dr Kumar asked if there is extra allowance for owning a dog. The officer confirmed that this is not true.
The Chair thanked the officers for the update.