Issue - meetings

Council House Building Programme

Meeting: 24/10/2022 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 46)

46 Council House Building Programme pdf icon PDF 327 KB


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Head of Housing - Graham Sabourn introduced the report.


Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:


Councillor Hirst asked how the model of shared ownership can be grown. The officer stated that we have concentrated on the social rent side because that is the area of greatest need. Shared ownership will be considered in the larger pipeline.


Councillor Hirst congratulated the team on delivering and asked if there are ambitions beyond the 255 homes in the pipeline. The officer stated that this would be down to the political ambitions of the administration but that the Cabinet Member has publicly expressed wider ambitions.


Councillor Malloy asked if it is possible to design flats that could be combined to create a larger property – obviously this flexible housing would be mainly new builds. The officer stated that this could be considered in supported housing, there would be a number of challenges in permanent social housing.


Councillor Malloy asked if the end of the 6 month ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme had led to an uplift in the need for social housing. The officer responded that there had been an uplift and some placements had fallen through before the 6 month period.


Councillor Dr Kumar asked if a tweet about 26 new council houses was true. He asked why the council worked through ADL rather than in-house. The officer confirmed that the number of units is 26 (20 – Grosvenor Place; 4 – purchased on the open market and 2 new build). He further explained that officers do not set values – there is a red book valuation (external market value).


Councillor Dr Kumar asked if the Panel were aware of some instances of poor quality Curo housing. He asked if Curo were selling off social housing. Councillor Walker stated that she was unsure on the type of properties being surveyed by Curo. The officer stated that if residents are concerned, they can come to the Council as we have authority regarding poor housing conditions.


Councillor O Brien stated that a substantial portion of social housing is underutilized yet there is a significant number on ‘homesearch’ – we should be realistic while not wishing to upset people. This could do a lot toward our housing issues. The officer agreed and stated that the national evidence also shows much under occupation. We have to address it. 


The Chair thanked the officers.




