Issue - meetings
B&NES Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report 2020-21
Meeting: 30/11/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 27)
27 B&NES Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report 2020-21 PDF 84 KB
The B&NES Community Safety & Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) is introducing its Annual Report for 2020-2021, alongside its new priorities to be actioned in the Strategic Plan 2021-2024. The Board is asked to note the report, to raise any queries and to recommend any additional areas for consideration.
Sian Walker-McAllister (20 mins)
Additional documents:
- BCSSP Annual Report 2020-2021 - Appendix 1, item 27 PDF 1 MB
- BCSSP Annual Report 2020-2021 Executive Summary - Appendix 2, item 27 PDF 396 KB
The Board considered the Annual Report of the B&NES Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership 2020-21. Sian Walker-McAllister, Independent Chair of the partnership, presented the report highlighting the following issues:
· This is the first full year of reporting for the partnership since it was established in 2019. Only three other areas in the country have a combined adult and child safeguarding and community safety strategy and structure.
· It has been a very challenging year due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on all partners.
· Statutory duties have been met and the strategic objectives of the partnership have been delivered.
· One of the key benefits of this type of combined partnership is to improve the approach to safeguarding during the transition from child to adult services. This provides a pro-active approach to supporting both children and adults.
The following issues were discussed:
· The Chair thanked Sian for the huge amount of work that the partnership has carried out.
· It was noted that there are still concerns regarding resourcing levels and that the partnership takes strategic ownership about what action it can take.
· The partnership aims to make processes simple and to avoid duplication of work. It is important to avoid silo working and to work more effectively in partnership. However, more resources are required to support the Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership in the future.
· Healthwatch noted the resource issues and will take this back to their organisation for further discussion. The transition from child to adult services has been discussed at recent workshops and there is a need for more mental health practitioners.
RESOLVED: To note the 2020-2021 Annual Report and Executive Summary for the Bath and North East Somerset Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership.