Issue - meetings
Bath Transport Delivery Action Plan - TBC
Meeting: 14/03/2022 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 59)
59 City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement PDF 436 KB
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Councillor Sarah Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate and Sustainable Travel and Sophie Broadfield, Director of Sustainable Communities, introduced the report and gave a presentation which covered the following:
· CRSTS Programme (1) – Transport Corridors
· CRSTS Programme (2) – Walking and Cycling
· Liveable Neighbourhoods
· Residents Parking Zones
Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:
Councillor Warrington asked about the money for rural areas which includes the Somer Valley and Midsomer Norton but not Chew Valley. Councillor Warren stated that there is money for specific initiatives in rural communities and confirmed that a pilot study is being considered for Chew Valley.
Councillor Crossley asked if the timescale was realistic regarding Liveable Neighbourhoods. The Director explained that almost all ward Councillors had now been approached.
Councillor Hirst stated that it was great – regarding Liveable Neighbourhoods – that responses were fairly positive. He asked when the time was to go beyond the 15 areas. Councillor Warren explained that co-design with the 15 communities begins imminently, it will become clear where public consensus emerges. Our hands are fairly full with the 15 areas at present. The Director added that it is hoped that a 5 year programme can be developed.
Councillor Walker asked how trade and service vehicles will access these areas. Councillor Warren stated that the areas will not necessarily be car free, it is about having only the vehicles that need to be there such as residents and tradespeople rather than through traffic. The Director confirmed that a road can be accessed and then the vehicle can drive back the way they came rather than drive through which will stop rat running.
Councillor Dr Kumar asked what would happen if an LTN did not succeed. Councillor Warren stressed that co-design was the approach and that if agreement cannot be reached, then that LTN may not be able to go forward. There will need to be a reasonable level of consensus. There will also be monitoring of unintended consequences.
Councillor Dr Kumar asked about the timescales. The Director explained that the next stage was co-design ward by ward. The aim was to have designs around September.
· To note the elements of the West of England CRSTS that relate to activity in Bath and North East Somerset for inclusion in the submission to DfT and
· Note the progress with the Liveable Neighbourhoods/RPZ proposals