Issue - meetings

Procurement Policy Annual Update

Meeting: 11/07/2022 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 10)

Procurement Policy Annual Update

There will be a presentation on this item at the meeting.


Additional documents:


Richard Howroyd, Head of Strategic Procurement & Commissioning, introduced the item and gave a presentation which covered the following:


·  Strategic Procurement – updates today

·  Procurement Commissioning and Strategy

·  A reminder – What do we spend our money on?

·  Procurement Risks – State of the Market

·  Investing in People – Changes to the Team

·  Carbon Net Zero

·  Modern slavery/labour issues

·  Social Value

·  Contract Management

·  New Requirements – Contracts pipeline

·  Review and update of processes

·  Fit for purpose information (internal)

·  Fit for purpose information (external)

·  Going forward

·  Strategic Procurement Team


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Furse referred to the vacancy of ‘Contracts Manager Resources’ and stated that, since the shift to commissioning, contracts management as become a skill in its own right. The officer explained that a lot of effort goes into training, central government is helping with this.
