Issue - meetings

Proposed Public Space Protection Orders to restrict alcohol consumption in public spaces, Bath and Midsomer Norton

Meeting: 09/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 Proposed Public Space Protection Orders to restrict alcohol consumption in public spaces in Bath and Midsomer Norton pdf icon PDF 134 KB

The Public Spaces Protection Orders which restricts street drinking operating in Bath and Midsomer Norton expired in October 2020. Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) are implemented under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 (“the Act”). This report invites the Council to determine whether to continue restrictions on street drinking in these areas as PSPOs, following a consultation as required by the legislation.


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Councillor Dine Romero introduced the report by saying that proposed Public Space Protection Order would address street drinking and anti-social behaviour associated in all wards of Bath and Midsomer Norton and would introduce wider discretionary powers to deal with nuisances or problems which harm the local community’s quality of life. This was a new order to replace the one which expired in October 2020.  As this was a new order, a full 12-week consultation was required. This has determined that there was still significant public support from those who responded for this measure for both Bath and MSN including Midsomer Norton Town Council, and from local Councillors.  Councillor Romero also thanked the officers for the hard work. replaced previous legislation


Councillor Dine Romero moved the recommendations.


Councillor Tim Ball seconded the motion by welcoming the Public Space Protection Order for Bath and Midsomer Norton.  Councillor Ball also said that this Order was intended to ensure that people can use and enjoy public spaces, living safely from anti-social behaviour. An order would specify an area where activities would be taking place that were detrimental to the quality of life of those in the area and could impose conditions and restrictions on people using the specified area.


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:


1)  Consider the outcomes of the consultation on a Public Space Protection Order to restrict street drinking in Bath and Midsomer Norton, as set out.

2)  Consider the legal criteria for adopting PSPOs, as set out in Paragraph 4 of this report, and particularly the test set out in paragraph 4.1

3)  In the light of 1) and 2) above make the Bath City Order and Midsomer Norton Order as set out in Appendix 1 of the report

4)  Request the Head of Legal Services or an authorised signatory on their behalf to sign and seal the Bath City Order and the Midsomer Norton Order.

5)  Request the Director of People and Policy to undertake publicity relating to any agreed Order and ensure the impact of the PSPOs is kept under review

6)  Request the Bath and North East Somerset Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership to receive regular monitoring reports on the impact of the PSPOs, including equalities impacts, and updates on support and treatment available for people who misuse alcohol including street drinkers.

7)  Thank those who were involved in the consultation process including Midsomer Norton Town Council and publicise the outcomes of the consultation.

