Issue - meetings
Quarter 1 Performance update 2020/21
Meeting: 09/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 64)
64 Qtr 1 Corporate Performance update 2020/21 PDF 178 KB
This report is the first strategic performance report developed using the Council’s new Integrated Reporting Framework (IRF). It updates Cabinet on the progress made against a key set of strategic performance measures which assess our progress on delivering the Corporate Strategy and key aspects of service delivery.
Additional documents:
- E3312z IRF Strategic Report, item 64 PDF 3 MB
- Webcast for Qtr 1 Corporate Performance update 2020/21
Councillor Richard Samuel introduced the report by saying he has introduced new requirements for regular financial reporting (quarterly) so that residents could see with complete clarity how the Council’s finances were standing up, whether the Council was under or overspending, in the interests of complete transparency and accountability. The corporate performance update was another report of transparency and accountability to the residents which would become a really useful tool and an official record of what the Council does and what the Council was accountable for. Also, the residents would be able to see what was happening in their community.
Councillor Samuel thanked Chief Executive and Senior Leadership Team for bringing this report before the Cabinet.
Councillor Richard Samuel moved the recommendations.
Councillor Tom Davies seconded the motion by saying that the first strategic performance report has marked a very special moment for the Council, and anyone involved in organisational management and reporting in an organisation. This was Council’s commitment to transparency about the delivery of services against his key strategic and it would allow residents to hold the Council to account based on the information in the report.
The Chair also thanked Chief Executive and his team on this report.
RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:
1) Note progress on the delivery of the Corporate Strategy and key aspects of the Council’s service delivery, details of which are highlighted in report.
2) Indicate any other key service areas to be highlighted and included in the strategic indicator report.
3) Receive update reports on a quarterly basis.