Issue - meetings

Preparing for the Future Work Programme

Meeting: 05/07/2021 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 28)


This report provides an update on the Preparing for the Future Programme.


Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report which gave an update on the Preparing for the Future programme.  Amanda George, Director of Business Change and Customer Services, gave a presentation regarding the programme.  The presentation covered the following issues:


·  Preparing for the future programme overview

·  Keynsham Civic Centre redesign

·  Communication and engagement

·  Risk assessments and meeting spaces

·  Technology update

·  Key messages


It will be important to embrace the digital way of working which will provide increased flexibility for staff.  The Keynsham Civic Centre is currently in the design phase.  There will be an increase in the amount of team space including informal meeting areas.  In some areas pods will be installed to provide quiet working spaces.  Up to 650 staff at any one time will be able to work in the Civic Centre.  Around 50 hot desking spaces will also be provided in the Guildhall.


Some staff are currently able to come into the offices to work following a risk assessment by managers.


The first phase of laptops has been delivered to staff and hybrid meetings are currently being trialled which will allow some staff to join meetings remotely.


A copy of the presentation slides is attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.


Panel members raised the following points and asked the following questions:

(Officer responses shown in italics)


Cllr McCabe asked about the number of additional journeys that would be made from Bath to get to Keynsham and measures being taken to encourage people out of their cars.  He felt that there should be signage at the railway station to guide people to the Guildhall.  He asked about the use of Citrix to access Zoom.  He queried whether a modular approach to office redesign would be taken in case any changes needed to be made in the future.


The officer explained that there will be a modular approach to the office redesign and that use of the offices will be monitored (e.g. number of desk bookings).  If certain spaces are not being used, then changes will be made.


There will be less travel by staff because they will not be going into the office 5 days a week.  There will also be hot desks available in the Guildhall for people who live in Bath and do not wish to, or need to, travel to Keynsham.  The suggestion regarding signposting will be taken on board.


When staff have Council laptops, they will not have to use Citrix to access Zoom or Microsoft Teams.


Cllr Hodge asked some questions about homeworking, risk assessments and whether there will really be a choice for staff.  She felt that figures are needed in advance of planning the design of the Civic Centre (such as the percentage of the overall role that is desk based and how much is collaborative).  She asked about feedback from employees regarding the new arrangements, for example from young staff who may live in shared accommodation.  She asked for more details regarding the equality assessments and the use of hotdesks by external  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28
