Issue - meetings
Update on Parish Charter
Meeting: 29/03/2021 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 79)
Update on Parish Charter
There will be a presentation on this item. There is no report attached.
Dave Dixon, Community Engagement Manager gave a presentation which covered the following:
· Update on Parish Charter – including Local Engagement across Bath & North East Somerset;
· 2020 – An unprecedented year (a local response based on networks, relationships and collaboration)
· Parish Charter – the purpose of the Charter
· Parish Charter Activity in 2020
· Community Engagement in 2020
Panel members raised the following issues and asked the following questions:
Councillor Myers asked what amendments would need to be made to update the Parish Charter in view of the experiences of the last year to keep it relevant. The officer responded that he has worked closely with ALCA in making minor amendments in the past year and this will be considered again this year. We plan for a period of reflection each year but circumstances (lockdown) have delayed this at certain points. We now hope to survey Parish and Town Councils soon.
Councillor Myers asked if virtual meeting platforms (such as zoom) can be considered for non-statutory meetings. The officer responded that clerks are keen to continue virtual meetings and are writing to MP’s about this.
Councillor MacFie asked if there is a facility for when things go wrong. The officer responded that many issues are raised at the Parish Liaison meetings and there is also guidance from ALCA for parish clerks. It is done in a collaborative way. There is a formal avenue of the Parish Liaison Group.
Councillor Hodge commented that the Community Engagement officers have worked very hard during the Covid period and the Panel recognise this work.
It was RESOLVED that, after the next review, the item to brought back to the Panel who will then make recommendations to Council.