Issue - meetings
Climate Emergency: Area Carbon Footprint and Performance Monitoring
Meeting: 07/06/2021 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 98)
98 Climate Emergency: Area Carbon Footprint Update and Performance Monitoring PDF 150 KB
A report is attached. There will be a presentation at the meeting.
Additional documents:
- Climate Emergency Report Appendix 1, item 98 PDF 154 KB
- Climate Emergency Report Appendix 2, item 98 PDF 84 KB
- Climate Emergency Report Appendix 3, item 98 PDF 116 KB
- Webcast for Climate Emergency: Area Carbon Footprint Update and Performance Monitoring
The Cabinet Member for Climate and Sustainable Travel (& Deputy Leader), Councillor Sarah Warren introduced the report. Jane Wildblood, Corporate & Community Sustainability Manager, gave a presentation which covered the following:
· Key facts
· Modelling issues
· Leadership and influencing
· CCC on local authorities
· A new approach to annual reporting
· Annual Emissions and Action Report Proposal
· Annual Emissions and Action Report
Panel members raised the following point and asked the following questions:
(Officer responses shown in italics)
Councillor Hirst stated that he had hoped that it would be clear where we are now in relation to our target of net zero carbon by 2030 and what was still left to do. The officer responded that it cannot be presented that simply and that modellers are being honest in that, at local level, there are limitations partly due to this work being in its infancy, the changing nature of the data and assumptions and partly due to the scope of local authority powers
Councillor Hirst asked if there is a timeline for the developing the KPIs for the three indicators. The officer explained that this is a huge piece of work and it is being developed as rapidly as possible across all services as part of the development of the new Integrated Reporting Framework . Information on the climate and ecological emergency element of the new Framework will be reported in the next annual report.
Councillor Hirst stated that there was public perception that we are not doing enough – how can the Panel help. The officer explained that the new performance framework will help with monitoring which will be reported by the end of the year. She also explained that there is a difference between quantitative and qualitative measuring.
Councillor Hirst stated that he was keen to see a rating system for employers/university’s etc. The officer explained the report in November will include information on specific partners.
Councillor O Brien asked if there could be some measures regarding the things we do have local control over such as buildings and homes eg. Amount of Curo properties retrofitted. She added that this Panel should see the report before it goes to Council in November. Councillor Walker agreed. The officer explained that there is a survey of Council buildings, funding has been obtained to retrofit a care home (this was covered in the January report to the Panel). In response to a query from Councillor O Brien on the cost of modelling, she explained that was not a high cost.
Councillor Crossley asked the Cabinet Member what leadership role she is taking to move forward. He stated that we should not blame the Government. The Cabinet Member explained that she had been leading public engagement events and also changing policies that underline all Council activities. She gave examples of the Clean Air Zone, Active Travel Plans and Liveable Neighbourhoods along with updating the Local Plan with the primary purpose of addressing the Climate Emergency. She stated that it is a priority that underlies every ... view the full minutes text for item 98