Issue - meetings

B&NES Local Plan Partial Update

Meeting: 10/12/2020 - Cabinet (Item 79)

79 Local Plan Partial Update: Options Consultation pdf icon PDF 801 KB

This report sets out the scope and arrangements for the Local Plan Partial Update Options consultation scheduled to start in January 2021. It also seeks changes to the Council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS) which is the Council’s programme for the preparation and review of planning polices).


Additional documents:


Councillor Shaun Stephenson-McGall read out a statement (attached as Appendix 6 to these minutes) where he welcomed the report to consult on a range of various updates to the Local Plan.


Councillor Tim Ball introduced the report by thanking all officers inthe planning policy department on the work they had put into place to produce the planning consultations in record time.  The Local Plan needed to be partially updated to show that the policies help deliver the Council's current priorities.  The Local Plan needs to take place along with WECA Spatial Development Strategy.  These would include key policies to help address climate and ecological events such as renewable energy generation, sustainable construction, retrofitting buildings and biodiversity net gain.  It would also update the parking standards, including HMO parking. The consultation with the residents would take place and the comments would be considered in the Plan which would be published in the spring of 2021.

Councillor Ball took the meeting through the rest of the report, as printed.  Councillor Ball pointed out to the amendment on wording to pages 112 and 113 of the report -


Councillor Tim Ball again thanked the officers on the work and effort so far. 


Councillor Tim Ball moved the recommendations.


Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the motion by saying that he welcomed the report.  Councillor Crossley welcomed that the consultation would take place not just with residents but also with community groups and organisations such as universities, especially on issues of Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMO).  Councillor Crossley felt that Bath and North East Somerset would need to defend family homes by tightening HMO policies.


Councillor Richard Samuel welcomed the report.  Councillor Samuel in particular welcomed the suite of measures proposed in relation to carbon reduction in construction, the complimentary policies on environmental conservation which were important given the pressure on natural habitats due to human activity and on the proposed changes to HMO policy which could limit the increase of HMO units.


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed with:



1)  The policy options and proposals in Attachment 1 as the basis for public engagement,


2)  The revised B&NES Local Development Scheme in Attachment 2, and


3)  The approach to public engagement in Section 10 of this report, and


4)  To delegate authority to the Director for Development and Public Protection, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing, to finalise the Local Plan Partial Update Options consultation document and the Local Development Scheme.
