Issue - meetings

BANES Local Plan Partial Update: Climate Emergency Policies

Meeting: 21/09/2020 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 69)

69 BANES Local Plan Partial Update: Climate Emergency pdf icon PDF 251 KB



Simon de Beer – Head of Planning introduced the report and gave a presentation which covered the following:


·  Local Plan Partial Update

·  Climate Emergency Policies

·  Zero Carbon Construction

·  Whole Life Cycle Carbon Assessments

·  Retro fitting Existing Buildings

·  District Heating

·  Renewable Energy

·  Parking Standards and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

·  Other Policies

·  Interim Approach pending partial update.


Panel members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Hirst stated that he welcomed this approach to attempt to address the Climate Emergency challenge. He raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics:


·  Regarding growth in electric vehicles, are we addressing the concerns from Western Power? Western Power are working on future energy planning.

·  Where there are options in the report, will you make your recommendations as part of the consultation? We can express our preferred option but also present other options.

·  Are there opportunities for district heating in new build schemes and existing infrastructure? We have opportunities in some areas where there is high density. We have done extensive research in this area.


Councillor O Brien stated that grass helps to absorb carbon dioxide yet many people tarmac over their front lawn to provide car parking space. This may also have implications for localised flooding. Do you consider this? The officer explained that while work could be done with Highways regarding permission for lowering pavements, the planning system does not have powers to control this. We could issue guidance regarding retrofitting.


Councillor Davies raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics:


·  What do you think our options are regarding whole life cycle carbon assessment? We do not have a policy on whole life cycle. We would have to work on an appropriate level and consult and we would also need some expertise in the department.

·  What is the flavour of the likely impact of guidance regarding the retrofitting of existing buildings (and heritage buildings)? We have produced a self-help guide to retro fitting, in the past we have held ‘Bath Green Homes’ event (There was a suggestions that this could be held online).


Councillor Craig raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics:


·  Can we require developers to provide parking spaces especially for shared cars/club cars? We are working with colleagues in transport towards encouraging car sharing schemes.

·  Is there a policy on the use of plastic in sports pitches? We will look at this through the update. It depends on the planning control level.


Councillor Bromley asked about the development of self-charging batteries. The officer stated that she would look into this.


Councillor McCabe raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics:


·  Home batteries may require a structure on the side of houses – we should make sure that planning rules do not hinder any opportunities in this area. Officers to take this back.

·  Can we protect family homes within a 2km distance of schools? 2km has been found to be the optimum distance for people to walk to school. Could we  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69
