Issue - meetings
Renewal Programme Workstreams
Meeting: 16/11/2020 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 79)
79 Renewal Programme Workstreams PDF 75 KB
A report is attached. There will also be a presentation at the meeting.
Jane Wildblood, Corporate & Community Sustainability Manager (Renewal Vision Workstream Lead Partnerships & Corporate Services) introduced the report to the Panel and gave a presentation which covered the following:
· Renewal Vision Update
· Corporate Strategy and vision
· Renewal Vision purpose
· Workstream includes
· Vision – Phase 1: evidence & context
· Questions and themes
· The four emerging ‘stories’ or themes
· ‘Green recovery’ study
· Vision – Phase 2: widening engagement and developing the vision
Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions. Officer responses are shown in italics.
Councillor Sarah Warren (Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency) thanked the officers in the team for their work. She commented that there have been dramatic changes due to Covid which reduced carbon footprint and that this has provided the opportunity to rebuild in a way that is kinder to the environment.
Councillor Bromley stated that the 20 minute neighbourhood sounds like a good idea that would certainly be helpful to some small businesses in Weston ward. She asked how we will make the scheme successful. The officer explained that this could mean developing local hubs (for working) in villages that will be like landing stations for employees that may not want to work from home every day. This means there would be more local footfall.
Councillor O’Brien raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics:
· There is the issue of development retail and tourism to be net zero. Coaches are still parking in the city centre – should we insist on them using the Oddown Coach Park (Councillor Walker agrees). We should utilize the space at Oddown. We want tourists to stay longer in the city.
· Working from home has been of great benefit regarding carbon emissions but it has not benefitted the high street – only online suppliers which means there are a lot more delivery trucks on the road.
· 20 minute neighbourhood – development of an insularity against the outside world. We do have to be realistic about how much local businesses can support this.
· We have had housing developments forced on us in North East Somerset, there must be a review of how the city of Bath is laid out and used. Maybe more living accommodation rather than retail.
The officer responded that 20-minute neighbourhoods applies to the whole authority not just Bath. The officer stated that these comments were useful for the next stage and would be fed back.
Councillor Warren (Cabinet Member) added that the hubs could be used as shared space for workers but also for part time retail/hairdressers etc. Reducing mileage per year is crucial.
Councillor Davies asked about economic recovery in terms of existing businesses and asked about having appropriate training in place including secondary schools. The officer explained that representatives from universities sit on the economic recovery and renewal board. There is a recognition of the need to re skill people. We need people with skills in areas such as retro fitting and EV charge point installation. We need immediate short-term support for businesses and ... view the full minutes text for item 79