Issue - meetings

Assessment of the Councils Business Income - How do we get to where we want to be?

Meeting: 23/11/2020 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 40)

Commercial Estate

There will be a presentation on this item. There is no report attached.



Andrea Frow, Landlord and Tenant Team Manager and Cleo Newcombe-Jones, Renewal Programme Lead (High Streets Reopening & Renewal Programme), gave a presentation to the Panel which covered the following:


·  Introduction – Commercial Estate Review

·  The Council’s Property Portfolio

·  The Commercial Estate – Origins

·  The Commercial Estate – Holdings

·  Commercial Estate Income – by Unit Type

·  Commercial Estate – Forecast

·  Commercial Estate – Voids

·  Commercial Estate – Arrears

·  Current Challenges and Debates

·  Support and Actions – Estates Section

·  Budgetary Implications – Strategies

·  On-going work and current initiatives

·  Reopening and Renewing High Streets Safely

·  Milsom Street – Renewal Programme

·  Immediate and Short-Term Interventions Proposal

·  Bath City Centre Vacant Unit Action Project


Panel members asked the following questions and raised the following points: (Officer responses are shown in italics)


Councillor Hughes stated that the retail sector had been on the decline for years, so he was surprised that there had been a flurry of activity in response to Covid when this was an ongoing issue. The officer explained that work had been ongoing for a number of years and there was an ‘Estates Strategy’.


Councillor Duguid asked if this authority is on the front foot regarding turnover rents which are used elsewhere. The officer responded that each case is considered on its own merits, but generally turnover rents are avoided as they are difficult and complicated to administer.


Councillor Furse raised the issue of street traders such as burger vans working outside of high-end businesses. He asked that consideration be given to specific areas or times for street vendors. Councillor Hodge agreed that street vendors can have a negative impact and asked if there is a plan to manage this.


Councillor Furse stated that there are many residents who live in the city centre and this must be kept in mind in decision making.


Councillor Elliot raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics:


·  What is being learnt from other cities? The officer agreed that this was useful and confirmed that she had been in touch with York and other similar cities.

·  How are pop ups marketed to local firms? The officer explained that we are being more proactive and flexible, for example a consortium of 8 businesses have taken up a unit where they could not have done so on their own. It is hoped that this can continue.


Councillor Warrington asked what percentage of the commercial estate is held in North East Somerset (outside of Bath).  Councillor Furse asked what the figure was for outside of the authority. The officer responded that she would find out and circulate the figures to the Panel.


The Panel RESOLVED to set up a Task and Finish group to consider the internal report on Property (which reports by the end of this year) and the external report on management of the Commercial Estate (due to report in the new year) and bring a summary back to the Panel (possibly March 2021 meeting).

