Issue - meetings

Tree and Woodland Plan Update

Meeting: 21/09/2020 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 70)

70 Tree and Woodland Plan Update pdf icon PDF 103 KB



Simon de Beer – Head of Planning introduced the report and gave a presentation which covered the following:


·  The objective

·  Purpose of the Plan

·  Tree and Woodland Plan Timetable


Panel members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Johnson raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics:

·  Is the plan to plant 4250 trees during the 2020/21 season ambitious enough if we want to achieve our target by 2023? The numbers in the report are provisional, we need to maximise planting.

·  Is the funding enough for the scale of the project and how will we get the message across to people to get involved? The funding is set aside from the SIL, we have discretion and can review areas for spend. We may also be able to access other national funds.


Councillor Dave Wood - Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, explained that preparation before planting is important, the pre-work is necessary to get the maximum benefit. There will be a full year of planting 2021/22. Councillor Walker stated that we could plant saplings from our own stock in our nurseries.

Councillor O Brien stated that new build house owners should be encouraged to plant new trees and advised not to replace hedges with fencing. The officer explained that these comments will be fed into the process, there is a tree coordinator. It is very important to engage with residents. The planning system has limited capability. The Cabinet Member explained that everyone can plant in the Free Tree scheme. This has been in the press. Ward members can advise on pieces on land within their ward where trees could be planted.


Councillor Davies agreed that ward members should be consulted. Councillor Wood responded to Councillor Davies to confirm it is a net of 100,000 trees.


Councillor Dr Kumar raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics:


·  Cabinet Members could engage with interest groups. The Cabinet Member explained that ‘More Trees Bath’ is an essential partner.

·  Can we encourage the replacement of the tree at the entrance to the Sainsburys store? The Council would always seek to replace trees that have died.

·  Is there guidance on overgrown trees that block light etc. We will get back to you on this.


Councillor McCabe stated that if we start a nursery this autumn, it could mean we have 100-200 saplings to be grown on in the future. From planning perspective, we have to be aware of ‘change of use’ issues where there is a tree planting scheme. We could shout out to landowners who may have a patch of land. People can plant acorns etc. in pots.

The Panel RESOLVED  to note the progress and supported moving forwards with the Tree and Woodland Plan.
