Issue - meetings
Motion from the Labour Group - The Future of Bus Services
Meeting: 11/07/2019 - Council (Item 32)
Additional documents:
On a motion from Councillor Jo Wright, seconded by Councillor Joel Hirst, it was
Council notes that:
1. FirstGroup, which operates First Bus along with GWR Franchise, is considering a sale of its UK businesses;
2. FirstGroup has confirmed that it intends to divest itself of First Bus;
3. The completion of the Bus Strategy by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Mayor is progressing slowly and the options available through WECA are to pursue ‘Advanced Quality Partnerships’, ‘Enhanced Partnerships’ or franchising, with the greatest opportunities for control, as well as the greatest financial challenges, being through franchising.
This Council believes that:
4. Bus services are a vital component of our transport system. Excellent bus services help to encourage bus usage, create sustainable growth, reduce social isolation and support people to get out of their cars. This in turn has a positive impact on pollution, congestion and climate change;
5. It is in the interests of all residents that Councils and WECA have more influence over the routes, timetables, fares and vehicle emissions related to bus services;
6. First operates 90% of the bus services in Bath and North East Somerset, and any change to the management of First Bus must not be at the expense of local bus services;
7. First Bus is a significant local employer and uncertainty about the future of the company must be resolved in the interests of its employees.
Council resolves to:
8. Call upon the WECA Mayor to complete the Bus Strategy without delay and ask the Leader to use her position on the West of England Combined Authority Committee to press for improved bus services across B&NES and the swift completion of the Bus Strategy, these improvements should include considering:
a. using the new powers in the Bus Services Act 2017 to bring about change;
b. Moving from a de-regulated bus system to a system where Council and users have more control, which works better for users and Local Authorities;
c. Devoting sufficient resources to the Bus Strategy to ensure that it covers rural bus services, school bus services and other services with social value;
d. Improving public transport so that it becomes an attractive alternative to driving in both urban and rural settings;
e. Ensuring that all buses run on ultra-low-emission or zero-emission fuels by January 2021;
f. Creating a new dynamic partnership with bus operators to increase bus usage;
g. the opportunities of working with non-profit providers.
9. Ask the Leader to communicate this position to the WECA Mayor and local MPs.
1. The original motion included with the agenda, moved by Councillor Robin Moss, and seconded by Councillor Chris Dando, was subsequently replaced by the successful amendment above with 36 Councillors voting in favour, and 13 Councillors voting against..
2. The vote on the substantive motion was then carried with 44 Councillors voting in favour and 5 Councillors abstaining.]