Issue - meetings

Motion from the Labour Group - Supporting the Children of Alcoholics

Meeting: 22/03/2018 - Council (Item 86)



Additional documents:


On a motion from Councillor Liz Hardman, seconded by Councillor Robin Moss, it was




Council notes:


1  The publication of a report by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology in February 2018 which estimated that between 189,000 and 208,000 children in England live with an alcohol-dependent adult, while 15,500 children live with an adult receiving treatment for alcohol dependence, but that these figures are likely to underestimate the scale of the issue due to under-reporting of alcohol consumption and the unknown number of children whose parents are not in treatment and who are not known to social services. 


2  That the same report found that between 2011 and 2014, Parental Alcohol Misuse (PAM) was implicated in 37% of cases involving the death or serious injury of a child through neglect or abuse, and that 61% of care applications in England involved misuse of alcohol and/or drugs.


3  That Children living with alcohol-dependent parents report feeling socially isolated, and are reluctant to seek help due to feelings of stigma, shame and guilt about not wanting to betray parents.  Children may have to take on caring responsibilities for the affected parent or younger siblings which can negatively impact school attendance and homework. 


4  The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Children of Alcoholics report A Manifesto for Change  which sets out ten key points that the Government needs to address if the children of alcoholics are to be properly supported. 


Council believes that:


5  It has a responsibility to support the children of alcoholics and to ensure that the needs of these children are met. 


Council agrees therefore to:


6  Ask the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People to provide assurance, via the Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel that all the relevant policies, procedures and strategies of this Council recognise and address the particular needs of the children of alcoholics.


7  Invite the National Association for the Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) to comment on the Council’s support offer for the children of alcoholics, and for this comment to also be submitted to the Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel.


8  Ask the Leader of Council to write to our local MPs and to Government asking that priority be given to implementing the ten key points identified within the report of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Children of Alcoholics, A Manifesto for Change, including creating a national strategy for the children of alcoholics and ensuring that local support for the children of alcoholics is properly funded.




1.  The above resolution was carried on a unanimous vote.


2.  During debate, an unsuccessful amendment from Councillor Dine Romero, seconded by Councillor Richard Samuel to add the words “and people with other addictions” after the word “alcoholics” in paragraphs 5 and 6 was lost, with 15 Councillors voting in favour,42 against and 1 abstention.]
