Issue - meetings

Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) Update

Meeting: 17/04/2018 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 57)

Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) Update

To receive an update on the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP).


11:15am – 20 mins – Chris Brown and Tracey Cox



Tracey Cox gave an update regarding the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP).  The presentation covered the following matters:


·  National Context

·  STP priorities for 2018/19

·  Delivery channels

·  Ways of working

·  STP Financial Recovery Plan


It was noted that there is a need to strengthen community care.  This sector faced challenges as a result of demographic change leading to an aging population.  There were also recruitment and retention challenges in the care professions.


Cllr Pritchard stressed the importance of social care and the role of the Council in the health and wellbeing of its population.  It was important to align the agendas of health and social care.


The financial context showed that the STP is currently a facing a shortfall of £30m.  A financial recovery plan has been put in place to address the deficit and to identify ways to close the gap.


Cllr Pritchard queried whether the financial position put the whole STP at risk as three different local authorities are involved.  Tracey Cox confirmed that the position across the three authorities was variable but there was a shared consensus and the authorities could take action together.


James Scott explained that the fundamental issue for the STP is to add value.  Most work would be place based and the majority of work will take place in the B&NES area.


A copy of the presentation slides is attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes.


RESOLVED: To note the update on the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership.
