Issue - meetings

Bath Air Quality Action Plan Update

Meeting: 22/01/2018 - Communities, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 66)

66 Bath Air Quality Action Plan Update pdf icon PDF 72 KB

A update report on the National Air Quality Plan is attached. There will also be a presentation at the meeting.



Cathryn Brown, Team Manager for Licensing and Environmental Protection and Aled Williams, Environmental Protection Manager, gave a presentation to the Panel which covered the following:


·  National Air Quality Plan Background

·  The Bath AQAP Consultation

·  The Headlines

·  Relationship between BAQAP and NAQP

·  The NAQP timeline

·  NAQP governance

·  NAQP funding opportunities

·  NAQP progress since July 2017

·  NAQP next steps until March 2018

·  NAQP communications and stakeholder engagement

·  Real-time air pollution dials


Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:


Councillor Bull asked if there was an explanation for levels falling. The officer explained that engine technology is improving and vehicles are being updated but 3 years of low level data is needed to confirm an improvement. Councillor Hale pointed to the improvement in air quality as a result of the one way system in Keynsham.


Following a question from Councillor Samuel, the officer explained that the project board is attended by Cabinet Members and action points are noted, a project manager runs the meetings and takes the notes. Councillor Samuel asked that if the plan was in place by December 2018 and there was a change of administration in May 2019 – can elements of the plan be changed. The officer stated that she would take advice but she believes that the authority would have to comply with the plan.


Councillor Samuel asked if there would be any special measures put in place around primary schools, the officer stated that the mandate is to bring all areas within the standards.


Following a query from Councillor Gilchrist, the officer explained that by the end of December 2018, the option must be agreed and before 2021 it has to be implemented.


Councillor Bull stated that the only way to create a significant reduction is to look into prohibiting certain vehicles. Anti-idling measure would need constant enforcement. The officer noted the comment.


Councillor Bull asked if there are lessons to be learned from clean air zones in other areas, the officer stated that this information is shared at DEFRA workshops.


Councillor Anketell Jones asked if the Air Quality Action Plan would conflict with the Parking Strategy as it seeks to encourage short stay visits and discourage commuters. The officer explained that the consultants working on Air Quality are also working on the Parking Strategy and parking services representatives are on the Air Quality project team.


Councillor Bob Goodman, Cabinet Member for Development and Neighbourhoods stated that he was confident that compliance would be delivered in the timescale and he thanked the team.


The Panel noted that there would be a report on ‘Air Quality (regarding A37)’ to the May meeting of the Panel and that Panel members would be sent an email briefing on the strategic outline case for the National Air Quality Action Plan.

