Issue - meetings

Somer Valley Enterprise Zone

Meeting: 07/11/2017 - Planning, Housing and Economic Development Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 33)

33 Somer Valley Enterprise Zone pdf icon PDF 75 KB

This report updates the Panel on the latest position with regard to the Somer Valley element of the Enterprise Zone, based on the allocated employment site at Old Mills, which was included in the Bath & Somer Valley Enterprise Zone formally designated by the government on the 1st April 2017.


Additional documents:


The Business Support & Development Manager and the Regeneration Team Manager gave a presentation to the Panel to introduce the item. A copy of the presentation can be found on their Minute Book and as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the presentation is set out below.


Economic Policy Context


By 2030 we want to increase the value of the local economy by £3bn  and create 11,500  net additional local jobs.


The recovery in the Somer Valley is largely as a result of the availability and development of employment land at West?eld Industrial Estate and the Bath Business Park at Peasedown St John. Both these employment sites are now almost fully built out and……there is an urgent need to bring forward new strategic employment locations in the market towns to enable future local economic growth.


Core Strategy


The southern part of the District will become more self-reliant, facilitated by economic-led revitalisation…………building on its industrial expertise and improving skill levels. Transport connections to other centres, as well as connections between settlements within the Somer Valley area will continue to be improved.


Place Making Plan


The Somer Valley element of the Bristol, Bath & Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (EZ) will prioritize the establishment of a new strategic employment location for the area and……will promote the delivery of new business investment and employment growth and address the Core Strategy Vision & Spatial Strategy for the area.


Somer Valley Challenges


·  Reliance on manufacturing – 20% of total employment (B&NES 5%)

·  Poor broadband connectivity


Somer Valley Priorities


·  2,000 new jobs

·  Identify new strategic employment location

·  Address ownership / infrastructure / viability constraints


Somer Valley Enterprise Zone


·  Potential new strategic development location

·  Direct jobs 1,700

·  Annual GVA uplift £122m


Somer Valley Enterprise Zone – Site Constraints


·  Fragmented ownership – Previously a barrier to development

·  The need for off-site infrastructure works – A362 to A37

·  Access and infrastructure  to  site – Localised road improvements, on-site roads & utilities

·  Viability and developer appetite – Need for a phased approach


Land Ownership Plan


ST190038 – This part of the site could become Phase 1 and a possible pre-application could be submitted early next year.


Transport Improvement Study


This study aims to investigate options to improve transport links along the A362 between the EZ and A37 at Farrington Gurney and the cycle and pedestrian links to Midsomer Norton.


The project identifies the following highway improvements & upgrades:

·  Pinch points associated with residential parking & lack of footways

·  Improvements at the A37/A362 signalised junction

·  Pedestrian and cycle linkages

·  Potential realignment of the A362 to facilitate access into the Enterprise Zone.


Enterprise Zone Deliverables








BY 2020

Old Mills






Enterprise Zone Interventions


·  Potential “Gainshare” Early Intervention – A362 strategic corridor improvement & upgrading : £2.8m bid

·  Local Growth Fund (LGF) “pipeline” – Site access & road realignment : circa £800K

·  Potential Council interventions :

o  On site road improvements & access roads

o  On and off-site  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33
