Issue - meetings
Motion from the Liberal Democrat Group - Recycling
Meeting: 09/11/2017 - Council (Item 61)
Additional documents:
The Council considered a motion from the Liberal Democrat Group on recycling.
On a motion from Councillor Paul Crossley, seconded by Councillor Richard Samuel, it was
RESOLVED (unanimously) that
Council notes:
- Single use consumer packaging is a generally wasteful use of scarce natural resources; packaging often ends up as litter and may make its way to the sea. Millions of tonnes of plastic enter the oceans every year, with most coming from the land1.
- Awareness is growing about the negative effect of sea plastic particularly on marine life, sea birds and contamination of the food chain.
- The Government is consulting2 on a deposit return scheme for drinks containers, aimed at reducing litter and ocean pollution.
- The report by a consortium of litter campaigners, which suggests that a deposit return scheme for drinks containers could save individual Councils between £60,000 and £500,000 through reduced costs associated with litter and landfill charges, even after any loss of income from kerbside recycling3.
- The inquiry4 by Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee, which recently heard that 2.5 billion disposable cups are thrown away annually in the UK, equivalent to almost 7 million cups a day, of which only 1% are recycled.
- The dramatic success of the 5p plastic bag charge, which has reduced use by 80% according to Defra figures and has raised millions for charities.
Council resolves to:
- Reaffirm its commitment to the long-term goal of Zero Waste previously established by the Council as a target to encourage innovation.
- Commend the work of officers, local voluntary organisations and the Environmental Sustainability Network in promoting recycling. Commend and encourage campaigns organised by B&NES residents to reduce waste, such as the plastic straws campaign by “Families for a Bright Future”.
- Request that the Leader write to the Government and local MPs expressing this Council’s support for a deposit return scheme for plastic bottles and other drinks containers, support for the introduction of a 5p charge on non-recyclable, disposable coffee cups, and interest in being informed about joining any pilot scheme.
- Request that the Cabinet member for Development and Neighbourhoods work to encourage local businesses to participate in schemes (such as the “Refill” campaign and app by “City to Sea”, which the Council already supports) to refill drinking bottles with tap water free on request and encourage proposals to reinstate and create drinking fountains.