Issue - meetings

Health Inequalities Update

Meeting: 26/06/2018 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 9)

Health Inequalities Update

To receive a presentation regarding health inequalities.  This follows a previous report provided to the Board in July 2017.


10.55am – 20 minutes – Paul Scott



The Board received a presentation from Bruce Laurence (Director of Public Health) regarding health inequalities; this followed a previous report provided to the Board on this matter in July 2017.


The presentation covered the following issues:


·  Work themes:

o  Give every child the best start in life

o  Enable all children young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

o  Create fair employment and good work for all

o  Ensure a healthy standard of living for all

o  Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities

o  Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention

o  Inequity in access to health and care services

·  The latest report on health inequalities showed that life expectancy figures linked to inequalities remained stable.

·  School readiness was a clear indicator of health inequality.

·  People suffering from mental illness often had worse physical health than those who did not.


The following issues were discussed:


·  It was felt that the key focus area to reduce inequalities was maximising early years’ investment.

·  Sarah Shatwell highlighted the need to make the best use of the voluntary sector to help reduce inequalities as the community sector was very diverse.

·  Elaine Wainwright stated that there were links between employment and mental health.  It was noted that there was a project in B&NES to promote healthy workplaces and that it would be helpful to see more emphasis on this.

·  Jane Shaylor informed the Board that under the mental health pathway review occupation is a key workstream.  Some work may be sponsored with smaller employers on how best to support employees and this will involve testing what works well in this area.

·  Cllr Paul May noted the importance of school readiness and support for communities.  As Cabinet member for Children and Young People he would follow this up with the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) who had responsibility for learning and skills.

·  Bruce Laurence stressed the importance of communication between organisations to take this issue forward.  A government green paper regarding child mental health was in the process of being produced and this could link into reducing inequalities.

·  The Board noted the problems that some parents had in obtaining support for children who required assistance due to conditions such as autism.  Cllr Ball pointed out that sometimes without a diagnosis no help or support was available.  Cllr Jackson stated that the prescription of drugs such as Ritalin to children had doubled in the last 5 years.  Members felt that it would be useful to discuss children’s mental health at the next meeting.


A copy of the presentation slides is attached as Appendix 3 to these minutes.




(1)  To note the information provided in the presentation.


(2)  To request a report regarding children’s mental health services at the next meeting.


(3)  To request a further update on health inequalities in one year’s time.
