Issue - meetings

B&NES Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) spending arrangements 2018/19

Meeting: 08/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 142)

142 B&NES Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) spending arrangements 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

This report proposes changes to the arrangements for agreeing how B&NES Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) income is spent.



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Councillor Dine Romero made an ad-hoc statement by asking for an assurance that there would be no opportunity for CIL to be reduced by re-selling the development; that the Cabinet would seek other plans to fund affordable housing; and, what sort of projects would be supported from CIL.


Councillor Shaun Stephenson-McGall made an ad-hoc statement by saying that in Bath, which is unparished, CIL spend decisions would be made by Cabinet with the advice of the Bath City Forum and asked the Cabinet to take seriously an advice from the Forum.


At this point of the meeting Councillor Paul Myers declared an ‘Other’ interest on this report as he was Chair of the Midsomer Norton Town Council who would be recipient of CIL money.


At this point of the meeting Councillor Vic Pritchard declared an ‘Other’ interest on this report as Parishes within his Ward would be recipients of CIL money.


Councillor Bob Goodman introduced the report by saying that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) had come into effect in B&NES on 6th April 2015 following adoption of the CIL Charging Schedule by Council on 17 February 2015.  CIL had largely replaced Section.106 contributions as developer-provided funding for infrastructure projects. Only Affordable Housing and site-specific requirements were now covered by s.106 obligations. Education, highways and other strategic schemes could be funded by CIL unless they entail on-site provision.  Based on the Core Strategy/Placemaking Plan growth trajectory, the forecast CIL income from housing development over the next 5 years should be around £13,300,000. However, this was an estimate and would depend on the actual rate of development.


Councillor Goodman also assured Councillor Stephenson-McGall that the Cabinet would take seriously any advice from the Bath City Forum in terms of CIL spend.  Councillor Goodman also said that report on CIL payments would be presented at the next meeting of the Cabinet.


Councillor Bob Goodman moved the recommendations.


Councillor Charles Gerrish seconded the motion by saying that the report had proposed changes to the arrangements for agreeing how CIL income is spent.  CIL allocations would be presented at the next meeting of the Cabinet.


The rest of the Cabinet welcomed the report outlining that this would be of community benefit. 


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed with the revised B&NES CIL Spend Protocol.


