Issue - meetings
Efficiency Strategy
Meeting: 09/11/2017 - Council (Item 53)
The Efficiency Strategy was presented to Cabinet on the 11th October 2017 as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy. The Efficiency Strategy is a key component in the delivery of that overall strategy and requires Council approval.
Additional documents:
The Council considered a report presenting the Efficiency Strategy, which had also been presented to Cabinet on the 11th October 2017 as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy. The Efficiency Strategy is a key component in the delivery of that overall strategy and requires Council approval.
On a motion from Councillor Charles Gerrish, seconded by Councillor Paul May, it was
1. Approve the attached Efficiency Strategy, and associated changes in the Prudential Indicators as set out in Appendix A. of the report;
2. Approve an increase in the 2017/18 borrowing limits of £12.3m by bringing forward approved borrowing from 2018/19, to facilitate the acceleration of revenue savings from Commercial Property investment; and
3. Approve the associated adjustments to the capital programme to reflect the revised profile of budget for Commercial Property investment with £12.3m brought forward to 2017/18 from 2018/19.
1. The above successful resolution was carried with 39 Councillors voting in favour and 21 Councillors voting against.]