Issue - meetings
Adoption of the Supplementary Planning Document on Houses in Multiple Occupation in Bath
Meeting: 08/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 140)
140 Adoption of the Supplementary Planning Document on Houses in Multiple Occupation in Bath PDF 109 KB
Bath has seen a significant increase in and concentrations of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and private rented property over the last 10-15 years, with HMOs now being common residences for students, young people and others. The original SPD, providing the planning framework to assess planning applications for a change of use from dwelling house (use class C3) to HMOs (use class C4), was adopted in July 2013. Following a review of the performance of the original SPD including the evidence update and targeted engagement, revisions to the SPD are proposed.
Additional documents:
- E2994z Appendix A draft HMO SPD, item 140 PDF 3 MB
- E2994z Appendix B HMO 10% concentration April 2017, item 140 PDF 242 KB
- E2994z Appendix C Consultation Report, item 140 PDF 768 KB
- Webcast for Adoption of the Supplementary Planning Document on Houses in Multiple Occupation in Bath
Councillor Shaun Stephenson-McGall declared an 'Other' interest as he was an employee of University of Bath and trustee of Bath Spa University Student Union before making an ad-hoc statement. Councillor Stephenson-McGall welcomed the report also said that previous administration had started this process and that there was still a lot of work to be done. The Council would need to continue to work and listen to the community, and the Cabinet should set additional licensing so the students living in HMOs would not be ripped off.
Councillor Will Sandry made an ad-hoc statement as the Chair of the Planning, Housing and Economic Development PDS Panel. Councillor Sandry said that the Panel had looked at the HMO matter and welcomed the consultation. Councillor Sandry also said that Liberal Democrat Group had offered full support to the Council to address shortfall of housing and its close work with Universities in Bath.
Councillor Bob Goodman introduced the report by saying that the Council was not unique with the problem of HMOs though there were clearly far greater problems than many cities had had. In light of the results of the public consultation, the updated evidence and the need for a precautionary approach taking into account the available data and to create awareness of the impact of high concentrations of HMOs, the Council is proposing amendments to the Supplementary Planning Document, as per report. Councillor Goodman also said that he would not want to be seen as anti-universities or anti-student Member - the Council would continue to work closely with Universities on this matter. Universities had been part of Bath success and students would always be part of the community but if the growth that Bath University would hope to is allowed to be fulfilled then this would be at the detriment of Bath and the wider B&NES area.
Councillor Bob Goodman moved the recommendations.
Councillor Charles Gerrish seconded the motion by highlighting positive work of the cross party working group. Councillor Gerrish also said that he was pleased with the consultation outcomes and pointed that the Council would need to monitor growth of the HMOs.
RESOLVED (unanimously) the Cabinet agreed that:
1) The Houses in Multiple Occupation in Bath: Supplementary Planning Document is adopted to supplement the Bath & North East Somerset Placemaking Plan, especially Policy H2;
2) Responsibility is delegated to the Divisional Director for Development, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Development and Neighbourhood, to make final graphic and minor textual amendments prior to adoption of the Houses in Multiple Occupation in Bath Supplementary Planning Document.