Issue - meetings

Library Consultation Update

Meeting: 18/09/2017 - Communities, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 33)

Library Consultation Update

There will be a presentation and verbal update on this item as it is just after the consultation closes.





Ian Savigar, Deputy Director Customer Services, introduced the item to the Panel and gave a presentation which covered the following:


·  Modern Libraries Programme

·  Integrating Library and One Stop Shop

·  Bath Library

·  Midsomer Norton

·  Keynsham

·  Community Libraries


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Bull asked if the plan to integrate the Library and the One Stop Shop is driven by savings or service improvement. The officer explained that it has to be seen as both because there is a change in need and the current service is not fit for purpose.



Councillor Robin Moss asked about Radstock Library and also asked about parishes who had not expressed an interest. He added that there has to be a case for a change in service and he was not sure the case had been made. The officer explained that there would be a separate paper on Radstock Library but that the principals were the same. Regarding parishes, he explained that it was on the agendas for the November forums. Councillor Bull stated that there had only been consultation regarding Bath and parishes will have to fund their own consultation. The officer stated that some parishes have taken this on already.


Councillor Ball stated that the Panel should see the Library Consultation results as soon as possible. The officer stated that he would do his best.


Councillor Anketell Jones asked if there were any funds to upgrade disabled access regarding libraries. The officer explained that this is the next phase and either location would need changes to be made.


The Chair stated that the following list of questions is a contribution from the Panel to the Library consultation:


1.  What is the objective of the proposal to combine Bath Central Library with the One Stop Shop? Is it to meeting the budgetary savings target or to improve our services to the public?

2.  What happens if branch libraries fail to get financial support from local communities?

3.  Are other consultees aware of the Keynsham model for combining the library and One Stop Shop?

4.  How can the facilities provided by the present meeting room be continued?

5.  What differences would Library users experience as a result of the merger with the One Stop Shop?

6.  Would books be as easy to access in the new Central Library as in the past?

7.  How can some of the issues about disabled access raised by the Bevan report be met by adaptation of the facilities and signage?


