Issue - meetings

Agenda motion from the Conservative Group - Against Modern Slavery

Meeting: 15/09/2016 - Council (Item 43)

43 Agenda motion from the Conservative Group - Modern Slavery pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To be moved by Councillor Martin Veal


Additional documents:


The Council considered a motion from the Conservative group which was moved by Councillor Tim Warren, seconded by Councillor Lisa Brett and


RESOLVED unanimously that


This council notes:


·  That Prime Minister Theresa May has committed the UK Government to leading international efforts to defeat modern slavery, and last year as Home Secretary introduced the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


·  That Slavery and Human Trafficking are crimes in the UK and considered illegal (Modern Slavery Act 2015).


·  That worldwide it is predicted by the Global Slavery Index that there are 45.8 million people in some form of slavery (study in 167 countries, 2016).


·  That slavery takes many different forms (forced labour, human trafficking, servitude, slavery) and may be present in a range of sectors (sex industry, service and hospitality industry, farming etc)


·  That The UK Government estimates there are some 13,000 victims of trafficking in the UK:


o  In 2015 3,266 victims were identified and assisted (a 40% increase from 2014.

o  In 2015 289 offences linked to slavery and trafficking were prosecuted.

o  Over the last 5 years local Anti-Slavery organisation Unseen (based in the South West) has worked with over 200 victims of trafficking and slavery.

o  Slavery and trafficking are likely to be occurring in our locality and we have a duty to work in partnership with other agencies to raise awareness of this issue, identify and protect those vulnerable persons involved as well as tackle those perpetrating and facilitating this crime.

o  Under the Modern Slavery Act (2015) businesses are required to look at their own supply chains and submit an annual statement.


Council resolves to:


·  Commit to working towards the eradication of human trafficking and slavery in BANES.  We strive for a community where awareness of all forms of human trafficking and modern slavery is commonplace and that across all sectors people work collectively and steadfastly to eradicate its existence in our community, identify and prosecute the perpetrators of this crime and identify and support victims.


·  Raise awareness of Modern Slavery amongst all employees and partners how it presents and what they need to do should they come across it.


·  Ensure a multi-agency approach to this issue and to engage with and support the work of The Anti-Slavery Partnership locally and regionally.


·  Implement the Transparency in Supply Chain provisions of the Modern Slavery Act to prevent Modern Slavery from occurring in its own supply chain, noting that the Council’s Contract Standing Orders already recognise the importance of preventing Modern Slavery.


·  Call on local Members of Parliament to press the Government to ensure our police force, border staff and Local Authorities receive adequate resources to stamp out modern slavery.


[Note:  The underlined wording in the resolution above was proposed by Councillor Liz Hardman and accepted into the substantive motion by the mover and seconder.]
