Issue - meetings

Primary Care Update

Meeting: 08/06/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 9)

9 Primary Care Update - Draft Statement of Intent pdf icon PDF 154 KB


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The Board considered a report by the Head of Commissioning Development, BaNES CCG.  The report informed members of the Draft Statement of Intent and gave them the opportunity to contribute to the development of the Statement.  It was noted that the CCG would engage more widely with stakeholders later in the year.


Corrine Edwards, Head of Commissioning Development, explained that local GP surgeries were currently being consulted on the Draft Statement of Intent and that there had been a good response rate so far.  The quality outcomes framework (QOF) model would be changing and a new model introduced.  There were a number of issues that needed to be addressed, for example, recruitment difficulties, 7 day working, use of technology and multi-disciplinary team working.  There would now be further consultation to engage more widely with patients and the public.  Final decisions by NHS England about funding were still to be confirmed but the BaNES area was starting from a solid foundation.


The Chair noted the positive aspects of multi-disciplinary team working and pointed out that 50% of GP time is currently spent on 5% of the patient population.


Bruce Laurence welcomed the document and stressed the need to retain the positive aspects of QOFs such as the importance of pro-active care for chronic health conditions.


Councillor Vic Pritchard had concerns about national rather than local direction.  He pointed out the need for multi-disciplinary teams to be relevant to patient needs.  It was also important to ensure that new technology did not leave some patients behind.


It was RESOLVED to note the report and to provide further feedback in due course.

