Issue - meetings
Domestic Abuse Update
Meeting: 19/09/2016 - Communities, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 101)
101 Domestic Abuse Update PDF 107 KB
A report is attached on ‘Domestic Abuse Update’.
Samantha Jones, Inclusive Communities Manager introduced the report and gave an update on what has been happening since May and what is planned.
The officer explained that the Police and Crime Commissioner funds Community Safety but that she has now been asked to model a 10% reduction and 20% reduction in the grant. The Youth Offending Team have been asked to do the same. The officer explained that she will write to them and ask them not to make the reduction or the service may not be viable any longer.
Regarding Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) – there have been 4 referrals in 15 months and two are going to full DHRs and each costs £10,000 minimum. The officer asked that serious consideration be given to this are there is no budget for DHRs and there will be a knock on effect if funding is reduced on other services around Hate Crime, Night time Economy and Rape Crisis.
The officer updated the Panel on a new group Domestic Abuse Partnership which has had an injection of Council resource. She explained that on 2nd November there is a Safeguarding Review Day where they will map out how to stop the cycle of Domestic Abuse of all types.
Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:
Councillor Bull commented that this all seems a lot more co-ordinated than previously. Regarding domestic abuse funding, the officer confirmed that yes domestic abuse services would lose out if grants are reduced.
Councillor Butters asked about abusers being able to question victims in court. The officer explained that she could not give a professional opinion on legal aid but that the statistic is that domestic abuse happens approximately 37 times before the case goes to court. She explained that ‘buddies’ are provided to victims when they attend court. She further explained that at Bath Courts, evidence cannot be given remotely.
Councillor Hale talked about anti-social behaviour and explained that the anti-social behaviour officer in Curo covers a very large area.
Councillor Simmons asked if housing officers have had training regarding DHRs. The officer explained that yes they have had training and they sit on the Panel – the objective of the Panel is to ask if a death could have been predicted or prevented.
The Chair thanked the officer for the update and asked for a report back in 6 months. It was mentioned that colleagues from Southside could be invited to help give a picture of the court system.
It was RESOLVED that a report be brought back to the Panel in 6 months.