Issue - meetings

Skills & Apprenticeships Programme

Meeting: 01/03/2016 - Planning, Housing and Economic Development Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 59)

59 Skills & Apprenticeships Programme pdf icon PDF 112 KB

A programme of work has been defined to ensure that the opportunities arising from economic growth within the district between now and 2030 are harnessed for the benefit of our residents. Our residents are a key asset, contributing to productivity growth: residents’ skills must match business need to meet our growth targets. Members will receive a presentation on the priority actions which are being progressed to assist in delivering the Employment & Skills Action Plan.


Presentation slides are attached.


Additional documents:


Kate Starks, Principle Enterprise Development Officer, gave a presentation to the Panel on ‘Skills and Apprenticeships Programme’ which covered the following:


(note Barney Willis from Bath College was also present to answer questions)


·  Delivering the BANES Economic Strategy – Priorities

·  Evidence based strategy: social mobility

·  Evidence based strategy: business growth

·  Our opportunities

·  Bath Enterprise Area Masterplan

·  Employment Hub


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


In response to a question from Councillor Blackburn, the officer reported that the city of Bath has 462 apprenticeships at present.


Barney Willis reported that retention into employment this year is 82% against a national average of 67%. The success is down to thoroughly vetting the companies beforehand and through communication and monitoring. The officer added that there is liaison over timescales with developers and apprenticeships.


Councillor Blackburn stated that his company engages with the scheme but there are a lot of hoops for companies to jump through.



The Panel RESOLVED to note the report.

