Issue - meetings
Options to strengthen community representation and civic governance within Bath
Meeting: 16/07/2015 - Council (Item 25)
25 Options to strengthen community representation and civic governance within Bath PDF 151 KB
This report invites the Council to endorse the establishment of a new Bath City Forum to strengthen community representation and civic governance in Bath.
Additional documents:
The Council considered a report inviting endorsement of the establishment of a new Bath City Forum to strengthen community representation and civic governance in Bath.
On a motion from Councillor Tim Warren, seconded by Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones, it was
1. To note the evidence base prepared by the Council’s Working Group on options to strengthen community representation and civic governance within Bath;
2. To endorse the establishment of a Bath City Forum, as set out in in paragraph 5.10 of the report, as an advisory body only, with no delegated powers;
3. To agree the draft Terms of Reference of the Bath City Forum set out in Appendix 1, with the addition under 13.3 of “(vi) Agree the main issues and topics it wishes to consider over the coming year, with particular reference to the distinctive urban issues affecting Bath”;
4. That, in respect of Section 9 (Chair and Vice Chair) of the Terms of Reference set out at Appendix 1, the following sentences be added to paragraph 9.1;
“Both the Chair and Vice Chair shall be drawn from the 12 elected Bath and North East Somerset Councillors serving as members of the Bath City Forum. The Chair and Vice Chair shall not be drawn from the same political group.”
5. To authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with Group Leaders, to make any minor amendments to the Terms of Reference, with any significant changes being reserved for Council;
6. That non-Councillor members are to be selected through an open and transparent process;
7. To thank the members of the working group for their deliberations; and
8. To thank local residents and parish councils for their contributions to the process.
1 The wording at resolution at 4 above was proposed by Councillor Joe Rayment and accepted into the body of the motion by Councillor Tim Warren;
2 The wording at resolution 6 above was part of an amendment proposed by Councillor Paul Crossley and accepted into the body of the motion by Councillor Tim Warren;
3 During debate, an unsuccessful amendment was moved by Councillor Paul Crossley, seconded by Councillor Nigel Roberts, which suggested specific responsibilities for the Forum could be delegated covering CIL, Heritage, Transport etc. The amendment was lost with 16 Councillors voting in favour, 40 against and 3 Councillors abstaining.
4 The substantive motion was carried with 42 Councillors voting in favour, 15 voting against and 2 Councillors abstaining.)