Issue - meetings
West of England Strategic Leaders Board
Meeting: 16/07/2015 - Council (Item 30)
30 West of England Strategic Leaders Board PDF 149 KB
This report informs the Council of the governance arrangements set up for the LEP, in particular the West of England Strategic Leaders Board and requests agreement to the required arrangements.
Additional documents:
The Council considered a report regarding governance arrangements for the Local Enterprise Partnership, in particular the West of England Strategic Leaders Board.
On a motion from Councillor Paul Myers, seconded by Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones, it was
1. To note the constitution of the Strategic Leaders Board (SLB) (Appendix 1) and agree to delegate to the SLB the necessary powers to take any decisions required to deliver the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP);
2. To appoint the Leader to the SLB;
3. To agree that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Leader and the Chief Executive, be authorised to agree and settle the terms of any future Joint Working Agreement(s) for the SLB as and when required;
4. To adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the West of England Joint Scrutiny Committee (Appendix 2);
5. To delegate authority to the Chief Executive to participate in the Investment Awards Board; and
6. That the minutes of the West of England Strategic Leaders’ Board shall be reported to Cabinet for noting.
1 The wording in resolution 6 above was proposed by Councillor John Bull and accepted into the body of the motion by Councillor Tim Warren.
2 The substantive motion was carried with 44 Councillors voting in favour and 14 Councillors abstaining.)