Issue - meetings
Update on the Bath Transport Strategy
Meeting: 08/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 17)
17 Update on the Getting Around Bath Transport Strategy PDF 88 KB
The Council adopted the Getting Around Bath Transport Strategy in November 2014. This report provides an update to some of the key issues within the Strategy and how they are being taken forward. A key recommendation of the Strategy included the need to develop a new Park and Ride (P&R) to the east of Bath. This report recommends that a public consultation be undertaken on the options for the delivery of this facility.
Additional documents:
The Chair invited Councillor Alison Millar to read out her statement.
Councillor Millar read out her statement and said that the Cabinet should conduct a thorough consultation with the residents of Bathavon North Ward in terms of the long term solution.
A full copy of the statement from Councillor Millar is attached to these minutes.
Councillor Anthony Clarke introduced the paper as printed by highlighting the five key areas where this report expands upon the policies contained within the Getting Around Bath Transport Strategy, and which the Cabinet view as priority areas for the years ahead:
· Supporting sustainable transport
· Investing in infrastructure
· Cutting congestion and pollution
· Promoting local rail
· Improving parking provision
The Getting Around Bath Transport Strategy recommended that the need for a P&R to the East of Bath should be established in the light of a wider review of parking within the city. In selecting any site for this new facility a number of factors would have to be considered, for example: capacity, safe access, usage, environmental, distance, number of buses, bus priority, frequency of service, pricing, site cost and ownership.
These and other factors would provide guidance on the selection of the preferred or optimum site and public consultation would invlove residents, Councillors and Parish Councils particularly to the east of the City.
Once a preferred site has been selected by the Cabinet, it would be included in the Placemaking Plan later this year.
Councillor Clarke moved the recommendations.
Councillor Tim Warren seconded the proposals.
Councillor Warren said that transport is a key priority for this administration. The Cabinet would take forward the Getting Around Bath Transport Strategy. A key to good transport in Bath is in keeping traffic on the move, not only to reduce congestion. The Cabinet believes an East of Bath Park and Ride would be critical for the future economic success of Bath. The Cabinet would consult with the local communities on options they think should be taken forward.
Councillor Martin Veal supported the report by saying that residents of the Bathavon Ward, and also from West Wiltshire would be fully consulted on the proposed sites.
Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones also supported the report by saying that this has been a long outstanding issue and that he would be looking forward to an East of Bath Park and Ride.
On a motion from Councillor Anthony Clarke, seconded by Councillor Tim Warren it was:
RESOLVED (unanimously) that:
1) The Cabinet noted the progress being made on the Getting Around Bath Transport Strategy, and agrees the additional measures proposed within paragraphs 5.3 to 5.7 to support the delivery of this Strategy.
2) The Cabinet agreed to undertake a public consultation on the options to help identify a preferred location for a new P&R east of Bath.