Issue - meetings
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Meeting: 16/07/2015 - Council (Item 26)
26 Bath & North East Somerset Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy PDF 108 KB
The first Bath and North East Somerset Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) was published in November 2013.
The approval of the CCG 5 year strategic plan, publication of NHS England’s ‘The 5 Year Forward View’, publication of the first Health and Wellbeing Board annual report and work on a new Council vision and corporate plan means a lot has changed since November 2013. The Strategy needed to be refreshed in order to reflect this change.
Additional documents:
- Appendix - Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015 - 2019, item 26 PDF 947 KB
- Webcast for Bath & North East Somerset Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
The Council considered the refreshed Bath and North East Somerset Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy, first published in November 2013.
On a motion from Councillor Vic Pritchard, seconded by Councillor Francine Haeberling, it was (unanimously)
RESOLVEDto adopt the refreshed Bath and North East Somerset Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (which will form part of the Council’s Policy & Budget framework).
Meeting: 08/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 14)
14 Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy PDF 109 KB
The first Bath and North East Somerset Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) was published in November 2013.
The approval of the CCG 5 year strategic plan, publication of NHS England’s ‘The 5 Year Forward View’, publication of the first Health and Wellbeing Board annual report and work on a new Council vision and corporate plan means a lot has changed since November 2013. The Strategy needed to be refreshed in order to reflect this change.
Additional documents:
- E2757z BANES Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015 - 2019, item 14 PDF 947 KB
- Webcast for Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
The Chair invited Councillor Tim Ball to make an ad-hoc statement.
Councillor Ball welcomed the report and asked that all budget related issues should be properly scrutinised before they are adopted by the Full Council. Councillor Ball welcomed the 3 themes and 11 priorities of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Councillor Vic Pritchard welcomed Councillor Ball’s support for the paper and said that it would be far too early to respond now on any budget implications. He said that the Health and Social Care Act 2012 requires that local authorities, through the Health and Wellbeing Board, develop a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy which meets the needs identified in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. The 3 themes and 11 priorities of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy were still considered to be relevant; the Health and Wellbeing Board remains confident that the 3 themes and 11 priorities were the right ones to reduce health inequality and improve health and wellbeing in Bath and North East Somerset. He praised strong partnership between the Council and the NHS, in particular with the B&NES CCG.
Councillor Pritchard moved the recommendations.
Councillor Tim Warren seconded the proposal.
Councillor Warren said that the Strategy reflects changes that have taken place since it was first put together in November 2013. The Council are committed to work with partners in the NHS towards these three core themes: Preventing ill health by helping people to stay healthy; Improving the quality of people’s lives; and, Tackling health inequality by creating fairer life chances.
On a motion from Councillor Vic Pritchard, seconded by Councillor Tim Warren it was:
RESOLVED (unanimously):
1) To adopt the refreshed Bath and North East Somerset Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
2) To note that a final Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be submitted to Council for approval as forms part of our policy and budget framework.
NOTE: Councillor Anthony Clarke did not vote as he was out of the room during the discussion and voting on this item.