Issue - meetings

Budget and Council Tax 2015/16 and Medium Term Financial Outlook

Meeting: 11/02/2015 - Cabinet (Item 123)

123 Budget & Council Tax 2015/16 and Medium Term Financial Outlook pdf icon PDF 95 KB

This report presents the Cabinet's draft medium term financial plan, and revenue and capital budgets for the 2015/16 financial year together with a proposal for a Council Tax level for 2015/16


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Councillor Charles Gerrish in an ad hoc statement said that his Group would have a number of amendments which would be put to Full Council; but he had been advised by Officers that none of the proposals was substantial.  He did however wish to raise one issue which had been discussed at Resources Panel, relating to the list of further potential community asset transfers in appendix 5 of the report.  He asked that The Paddock, Keynsham, be added to the list.

Wera Hobhouse in an ad hoc statement congratulated the Cabinet for proposing a Council Tax freeze for another year.  She was confident that householders would appreciate this.  She was pleased to see the road between Peasedown St John and Wellow included in the budget. She thanked Cabinet for indicating that attention would be given to safety on the A367 at Peasedown.

David Redgewell in an ad hoc statement raised 3 issues.  He asked the Cabinet to ensure that the devolution clause would be included in the Metro West agreement; that Cabinet would give attention to cleaning in Bath city centre; and that the issue of support for cross-boundary bus services be resolved with North Somerset Council.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson in an ad hoc statement apologised that there had been no formal statement from the Housing and Major Projects PDS Panel.  The Panel however had asked that no further cuts should be made to support staff for PDS Panels.  She complimented the Cabinet on the probity of the budget proposals but was alarmed at the proposed £1.3M cuts to Children’s Services and the effect on Children’s Centres.  She felt that over all, Midsomer Norton was getting a fair deal from the proposals but asked why Radstock was not getting new Town Council offices.

Councillor Jeremy Sparks in an ad hoc statement reminded Cabinet that the need for road safety measures in Clutton had become even more urgent since the start of the new development of 45 houses.

Sally Bailey, a volunteer youth worker in the area and a member of St Nicholas PCC, referred to the planned 5-hour parking limit in Radstock and asked that this be reduced to 2 hours so as to encourage local shoppers.  She presented a petition of 133 signatures.

The Chair said that the petition would be given prompt consideration and would be fed into the consultation process about the proposals.

The Chair asked Councillor John Bull (Chair, Resources PDS Panel) to introduce his Panel's Budget recommendations.  Councillor Bull referred to the Notes from the recent meeting, copies of which had been placed in the public gallery before the meeting [and a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 9 and on the Council's website].  He said that the Panel’s main recommendation was for the inclusion of a safety scheme for the A367 at Peasedown and said that he had already been encouraged by what he had heard earlier in the meeting.

Councillor Bull then spoke as Leader of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 123
