Issue - meetings
Developing a Transport Strategy for Keynsham
Meeting: 08/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 18)
18 Developing a Transport Strategy for Keynsham PDF 99 KB
The Council’s Adopted Core Strategy identifies Keynsham for growth of more than 2,000 dwellings together with over 1,000 new jobs. This represents a significant increase in the size of the town which at peak times suffers from delays and congestion. Although the Council has an overall Transport Strategy in 3rd Joint Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026, a more detailed Transport Strategy for the town is required to ensure the growth proposed can be accommodated.
Additional documents:
- E2720zGetting Around Keynsham - Draft Transport Strategy_Rev O 11 06 15, item 18 PDF 3 MB
- Webcast for Developing a Transport Strategy for Keynsham
The Chair invited Councillor Neil Butters to make an ad-hoc statement.
Councillor Butters said that the previous administration has set this strategy up and that he was pleased that this Cabinet would be pursuing this matter.
The Chair invited Councillor Alan Hale to make an ad-hoc statement.
Councillor Hale asked the Cabinet to look closely into policing parking on the road, marked with yellow lines, in Keynsham. Councillor Hale said that the Council should have a much firmer approach on this matter, including communicating with the police on what their role should be in this issue.
The Chair invited Councillor Brian Simmons to make an ad-hoc statement.
Councillor Simmons made an ad-hoc statement in which he highlighted issue of lack of parking in Keynsham.
A full statement from Councillor Simmons is attached to these minutes.
Councillor Anthony Clarke welcomed the comments from Keynsham Ward Councillors and assured them that a point on increasing parking enforcement officers would be looked at. He said that the Strategy would be for the benefit of Keynsham and the Council would be looking to developing transport strategies for the Somer Valley and Chew Valley.
Councillor Clarke moved the recommendations.
Councillor Marie Longstaff seconded the proposals.
Councillor Longstaff said that Getting Around Keynsham Strategy would be essential to the economy and wellbeing of the town, its residents and employees. The Cabinet would be committed to reducing traffic congestion in and around Keynsham and wanted to ensure the town retains its independence and its separate identity as a sustainable, desirable and well-connected place in which to live and work.
Councillor Charles Gerrish praised the work of officers for working closely with local Councillors when developing this Strategy and highlighted a need for more parking spaces in Keynsham. He also said that the Council would need to co-operate with Bristol and South Gloucestershire area.
On a motion from Councillor Anthony Clarke, seconded by Councillor Marie Longstaff it was:
RESOLVED (unanimously) that:
1) The Cabinet noted the responses to the consultation process and the amendments made and approve the adoption of the ‘Getting around Keynsham Transport Strategy’.
2) The Cabinet agreed the Strategy be subject to a period of engagement within Keynsham to allow the public a further opportunity to understand the proposals within the Strategy.
3) The Cabinet delegated any further minor changes to the Getting Around Keynsham Transport Strategy to the Divisional Director Environmental Services, or the Strategic Director Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport.