Issue - meetings

Office Space - Allocation Update

Meeting: 12/05/2014 - Resources Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 8)

8 Office Space - Allocation Update pdf icon PDF 53 KB

An update report on office space. A presentation is attached.


Additional documents:


Andrew Pate, Strategic Director for Resources, gave a presentation to the Panel on ‘Changing How We Work #onecouncil’ (a copy of the presentation is on the website with the agenda papers for this meeting). The presentation covered the following points:


·  One Council – Workplaces Principles

·  One Council – better ICT

·  One Council – Workplaces benefits

·  Our Offices

·  Keynsham: Teams ‘based’ here

·  Lewis House: Teams ‘based’ here

·  Hollies: Teams ‘based’ here

·  St Martin’s: Teams ‘based’ here

·  Guildhall: Teams ‘based’ here

·  Offices: overview

·  Timeline


The Panel raised the following points and asked the following questions:


In response to a question from Councillor Barrett, the Director explained that monitoring is carried out and so far objectives are being met and surpassed.


Councillor Barrett asked if hot-desking is working well in other authorities. The Director explained that in Wiltshire and Hampshire it is working very well. He explained that Bristol Council are not following the same programme as this Council so it was not comparable.


 Regarding Strategic Directors desks/rooms, Councillor Macrae stated that he felt that it is good for Directors to be moving around the authority.


Councillor N Roberts stated that lots of large companies are re-organising to enable more ‘corridor conversations’. He also explained that cutting space did mean not having to lose jobs. The Director confirmed that this project did not involve losing staff.


Councillor Gerrish stated that he endorsed what is proposed as he often sees empty desks in Council offices.


Councillor Barrett asked about the possible increase in home working and if this would affect member’s ability to contact staff. The Director explained that staff would be contactable.


Councillor Symonds asked about video conferencing and stated that officers could use this facility when reporting at meetings rather than sit in the meeting waiting for their item. The Director explained that there would be video conferring facilities in meeting rooms only at this stage but this may develop.


Councillor Bull asked if staff satisfaction would be measured. The Director agreed that it could be built into the staff survey.

Councillor Gerrish asked about a medium term strategy regarding the use of St Martin’s which he feels is not very accessible. The Director explained that the plan is not to use St Martin’s as there should be enough space in other buildings.


Members asked that they receive an update report in six months.
