Issue - meetings

West of England Local Enterprise Partnership Strategic Economic Plan 2013-2030

Meeting: 09/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 136)

136 West of England Local Enterprise Partnership Strategic Economic Plan 2013-2030 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

In line with Government requirements the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership has, in consultation with public and private sector partners, drawn up a Strategic Economic Plan for the sub-region. As part of the process of submitting the Plan to Government it is seeking the agreement of key partners to the aims and objectives set out in the document.


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David Redgewell (South West Transport Network) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 11 and on the Council's website] referred to governance issues and the openness and transparency of the decision making process of the Local Economic Partnership. He emphasised the importance of Phase I of Metro West and appealed to Cabinet to ensure that it would be properly funded.  He also asked Cabinet to ensure the funding for Saltford and Corsham Stations by asking the government to secure Phase II of Metro West without delay.

Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones in an ad hoc statement said that the huge investment being made was impressive.  He observed that the bulk of the growth and expansion in Bath would be in the enterprise zones and asked if consideration had been given to developing a management plan to avoid gridlock.

Councillor Ben Stevens, in proposing the item, said that the economic plan asked for government investment to drive it forward.  He referred to paragraph 5.7 of the report, which listed the 9 priority interventions which would directly benefit Bath & NE Somerset residents.  He drew attention in particular to the £34.7M intervention being requested to enable the Bath Innovation Campus.

Councillor Stevens responded to a point made by David Redgewell by saying that scrutiny of the LEP was very important, but that during the early phases of some plans businesses can only speak confidentially.  He observed that the plan made little reference to tourism but assured the Cabinet that it would remain as a very important element of Council’s the economic plans.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal and observed that the Plan was a continuation of the economic powerhouse of the region.  He laid great importance on ensuring a balanced community in which to live, work and play.  He particularly welcomed the emphasis on superfast broadband.  He responded to David Redgewell’s point about accelerating Phase II by assuring the meeting that the Council was committed to re-opening Saltford station if this could be made feasible and if local people would support it.  The same would apply to Corsham station.

Councillor David Bellotti was very happy with the plan.  The aim was to seek to give added value by working together – not to combine Councils into some sort of combined authority.  He agreed that the LEP must be transparent in its dealings and pointed out that all the financial details, including the complete record of decisions taken, were already in the public domain.  He assured Cabinet that he would not ask for seed funds which the Council could not repay.  He emphasised that all decision making came back to Cabinet before being agreed at the LEP.  He observed that this was the only Strategic Economic Plan so far which had been agreed by all its MPs and all its constituent authorities.

On a motion from Councillor Ben Stevens, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE the aspirations set out in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 136
