Issue - meetings

Primary and Secondary School Organisation Plan 2013-2017

Meeting: 09/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 135)

135 Primary and Secondary School Organisation Plan 2013-2017 pdf icon PDF 63 KB

The Council has a statutory duty to secure sufficient school places for every child resident in the area who requires a place. The Primary and Secondary School Organisation Plan 2013 – 2017 projects pupil numbers over the next four years up to admissions in September 2017 based on births and resident population data and outline pupil numbers up to 2029 together with how and where these might be provided.


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Andy Stewart (Chair, Broadmoor Lane Residents Association) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 13 and on the Council's website] expressed concern about plans to expand Weston All Saints Primary School.  His group felt that there was no need for more places; a number of traffic issues would be created; and there was no call from parents for expansion.  He felt that a better solution would be to make the new Ensleigh school a 2-form intake.

Councillor Dine Romero in proposing the item, thanked Andy Stewart and promised a response within 5 working days.  She reminded Cabinet that it was only possible to forecast with any certainty those children who were within 4 years of entry; but there were many other factors which must be taken into account.  She was aware that if there was no need for expansion, that would be a valid reason for refusal of the application.  She felt however that Weston All Saints Primary School had already needed to take a bulge class for the previous 3 years so a case could be made for enlargement and the highways issues would be part of the considerations.

Councillor Romero referred to the plans for a new 210-place school at Ensleigh, whose timing was still uncertain.  As a result, she felt that expanding Weston All Saints might prove to be the optimum solution but that this was still being considered and would be fully consulted before any decision was taken.

She moved the Primary and Secondary School Organisation Plan for adoption by Cabinet.

Councillor Katie Hall seconded the proposal.  She felt that the Strategic Plan would give the majority of parents their first or second choice school.  She warned against too much over-supply of places but acknowledged that school intakes would always be an imprecise science.  She was however convinced that the numbers quoted in the report were sound.

Councillor Paul Crossley said the Cabinet believed passionately that children should be able to go to their local school if they wished - it was safer and better for community.  The Cabinet had been very successful in meeting first and second preferences.  He was confident that the Plan would meet the educational needs of families into the future.

On a motion from Councillor Dine Romero, seconded by Councillor Katie Hall, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the proposed strategy for the provision of school places within the 2013 – 2017 plan period; and

(2) To APPROVE the proposed strategy for the provision of school places over the longer term within the Core Strategy plan period.
